The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast celebrates the end of each year by looking back 30, 40 and 50 years at the events in the world of Bodybuilding. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, we go 40 years back to the year 1982 to talk about the major competitions from that year. Guest Jerry Brainum joins host John Hansen for Part One to talk about the top amateur competitions from that year. Included in the discussion is start of the NPC organization with the first NPC American Bodybuilding Championships won by Lee Haney and the 1982 AAU Mr. America contest won by Rufus Howard. At the end of the podcast, John reads two articles from 1982 – “Howard Wins AAU Mr. America” written by Al Antuck from the November, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine and “Another Viewpoint – The NPC American Bodybuilding Championships” also written by Al Antuck from the March, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired January 9th, 2023