6 Year Anniversary Special, Part Three

For the final installment of the 6th Anniversary of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen selects some clips of his favorite interviews of the last six years. Included in Part Three of the 6th Anniversary special are interviews with Jerry Brainum about the 1971 NABBA Mr. Universe and the 1971 Mr. Olympia, Australian photographer Robert Nailon talks about meeting Arnold for the first time and his thoughts on the 1980 Mr. Olympia, Tom Terwilliger, Jerry Brainum and Phil Williams give their choice for the Best Front Double Biceps pose from the Golden Era, Jack Neary talks about meeting Joe Weider and writing for Muscle Builder magazine, Jack also discusses the Kal Szkalak-Joe Weider fight, Lee Haney, Rich Gaspari, Lee Labrada and Shawn Ray pick their favorite Mr. Olympia contest and Rick Wayne tells some great stories about Sergio Oliva, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Reeves and Joe Weider.
Episode aired September 4, 2023
6 Year Anniversary Special, Part Two

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast continues the celebration of our 6th Anniversary with some excerpts from some of our favorite interviews over the last six years. Included in Part Two of the 6th Anniversary Special are interviews with Rich Gaspari, Rick Wayne, Jerry Brainum, Roger Schwab, John Little and Jack Neary.
Episode aired August 20th, 2023
6 Year Anniversary Special, Part One

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the podcast by featuring clips of some of our favorite episodes. Included in Part One of the 6th Anniversary special are interviews with Rick Wayne, Charles Gaines, Lee Labrada, Tony Pearson, Tom Terwilliger, Phil Williams, Danny Padilla, Boyer Coe and Roy Callender.
Episode aired on August 15th, 2023
5 Year Anniversary Special
5 Year Anniversary Special, Part Two

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast continues its celebration of our 5th Anniversary with Part Two of this special episode featuring some of our favorite interviews over the last five years. Included in this episode are clips of interviews with Chris Cormier, Vince Taylor, Samir Bannout, Tim Kimber of Gold’s Gym, Mike Katz, Earl Maynard and Danny Padilla.
Episode aired on July 26th, 2022
5 Year Anniversary Special, Part One

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast celebrates its 5th Anniversary on this special episode. In Part One of the 5th Anniversary special, host John Hansen shares some of his favorite episodes since the podcast first began on July 5th, 2017. Included in this episode are interviews with Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe, Peter McGough and Wayne Gallasch, Berry DeMey, Jerry Brainum and Phil Williams as well as some classic stories about Sergio Oliva, Rock Stonewall and Tim Belknap.
Episode aired on July 18, 2022
4 Year Anniversary Special
4 Year Anniversary Special, Part Three

For the final installment of the 4th Year Anniversary Show for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen picks some of his favorite excerpts from interviews on the podcast from the last four years.
Included in Part Three of the 4th Year Anniversary are Peter McGough talking about how much he admired Larry Scott (10:15) and when he started his publication Pumping Press and his memories of the early NABBA Mr. Universe contests from 1970 and 1971 (15:30), the Bob Gruskin Tribute with Tom Terwilliger, John DeFendis and Jerry Scalesse (25:30), Jerry Brainum talks about Franco Columbu when Franco first arrived in America (32:36) and a funny story when Arnold got into a fight at Gold’s Gym (39:44). Ellington Darden talks about meeting a 17 year old Boyer Coe at a powerlifting/bodybuilding meet in Texas (44:15), Marc Martinez talks about going to the famous Gold’s Gym for the first time in 1977 (52:45), Boyer Coe talks about competing in the 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe and then traveling to Columbus, Ohio to compete in the AAU Mr. World contest (1:00:15) and his crazy experience competing in the 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe in London (1:09:54). Tom Terwilliger and Joey Fulco talk about bodybuilding in the 1970’s and how the sport is so different today (1:17:37) and Jerry Brainum talks about meeting Bill Pearl when he was a teenager (1:26:24) and his thoughts on meeting Sergio Oliva for the first time at the 1966 IFBB Mr. World contest (1:33:40). At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “I Am Grateful to Joe Weider” about Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1978 written by Rick Wayne for the February, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
4 Year Anniversary Special, Part Two

Continuing the celebration of the 4th Year Anniversary of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen shares clips from some of his favorite interviews over the past four years.
Included in Part Two of the 4 Year Anniversary Show are 6x Ms. Olympia Cory Everson talking about the dangerous blood clot that almost ended her career and her decision to stop competing in the Ms. Olympia (11:25), Tony Pearson and Phil Williams share some hilarious stories about iconic gym owner George Turner (22:00), film editor Dave McVeigh talks about editing the film “Raw Iron”, the documentary about the making of the film “Pumping Iron” (38:00), Charlotte Parker, Arnold’s publicist during the height of his film career, talks about the vision she had of Arnold as a movie star (54:18), Jack Neary, former writer for Muscle Builder Magazine, tells some great stories of hanging out with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the late 1970’s (58:25), Barbara Outland, Arnold’s former girlfriend and the author of the book “Arnold and Me”, talks about Arnold’s attitude towards competing and his amazing self confidence (1:15:00), Ed Connors talks about his purchase of Gold’s Gym in the late 1970’s and how he and his partners transformed the gym into the Mecca of Bodybuilding (1:27:28) and author John Little discusses Bruce Lee’s relationship to bodybuilding and his incredible skills as a martial artist (1:38:45). At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article “Another Gold Crusted Olympia Under His Belt, Mr. Serendipity Goes His Alchemic Way Forward” by Rick Wayne for the February, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine (1:53:24).
4 Year Anniversary Special, Part One

To celebrate the 4th Anniversary of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen shares excerpts from some of his favorite interviews over the last four years.
Included in Part One of the 4th Anniversary Special are interviews with 1982 Mr. Olympia Chris Dickerson talking about competing in the NABBA Mr. Universe for the first time in 1970 (17:07), 3x Mr. Olympia Frank Zane talking about competing against Bill Pearl in 1971 and training with Arnold Schwarzenegger (30:32), 1978 Mr. America Tony Pearson talks about when he first moved to California and meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger for the first time on Venice Beach (37:34), 1991 Arnold Classic Champion Shawn Ray talks about being mentored by John Brown (43:10), 1969 Mr. America and Mr. Universe Boyer Coe talks about meeting Sergio Oliva and Bill Pearl for the first time (50:54), 1985 NPC Nationals winner Phil Williams talks about winning the NPC Nationals, the last time he saw gym owner George Turner and getting ready to compete in his first pro show (1:01:57), 8x Mr. Olympia Lee Haney and 1989 Arnold Classic Champion Rich Gaspari talk about training together back in 1984 (1:15:22), and Tom Platz talks about his mental prep to compete in the 1981 Mr. Olympia in the best shape of his life (1:34:12). At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads the article “Frank Zane: Portrait of Persistence” written by Armand Tanny in the February, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine. (1:43:10).
2 Year Anniversary Special
2 Year Anniversary Special, Part Three

In Part Three of the 2nd Anniversary Special, host John Hansen picks some clips from a collection of his favorite interviews over the last two years of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Included in Part Three of the 2nd Anniversary Special are clips of Jerry Brainum talking about Arnold and Franco training at the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California in the early 1970’s, Franco Santoriello talking openly about his addiction to drugs when he was competing in bodybuilding, Glenn Kneer talks about his experience competing against Tim Belknap in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s and meeting Sergio Oliva for the first time ever in Chicago, Jon Lloyd talks about bodybuilding in San Francisco in the 1980’s including stories about Bob Reis, Gary Strydom, Boyer Coe, Bronston Austin and Mike Mentzer. Also included in this special are Dale Ruplinger talking about his emotional comeback to competition after tearing his bicep in 1986 and Jerry Brainum talks about Arnold’s response to steroids and his early stories of Frank Zane in California.
2 Year Anniversary Special, Part Two

In Part Two of the 2nd Anniversary Special, host John Hansen picks some of his favorite clips from interviews over the last two years of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of the Anniversary Special, excerpts from shows include The Ed Corney Tribute show featuring guest Roger Schwab talking about Corney’s amazing performance at the 1977 Mr. Olympia, 1974 AAU Mr. USA Pat Neve talking about meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger at Gold’s Gym in 1973, Boyer Coe remembering his years competing as a teenage bodybuilder, meeting Sergio Oliva at the 1966 Jr. Mr. America contest and his experience competing at the 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe. Also included in part two of the 2nd Anniversary Special is 1983 AAU Mr. America Jeff King talking about his contest prep for winning the America that year and Ken Sprague telling the story of buying Gold’s Gym in the 1970’s and how he helped director George Butler shoot the movie “Pumping Iron” at the gym in 1975.
2 Year Anniversary Special, Part One

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is celebrating its Two Year Anniversary Special with this special edition of the podcast in which host John Hansen shares some clips from some of his favorite shows over the last two years. Included in Part One of this special anniversary are Jerry Brainum talking about Larry Scott and Harold Poole at the 1966 Mr. Olympia contest, Phil Williams talking about gym owner George Turner and bodybuilders Ray Mentzer and Gunnar Rosbo, John DeFendis relating his story of Steve Michalik’s brutal training methods, Joey Fulco talking about training at Michalik’s Mr. America Gym, Manuel Perry’s stories about training at Gold’s Gym for the first time and working out with the legendary Robby Robinson and Steve Davis talking about training at Vince’s Gym and working out with Frank Zane in the summer of 1977.
1 Year Anniversary Special Edition
1 Year Anniversary Special, Part Two

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is celebrating its One Year Anniversary with this special edition of the podcast in which host John Hansen shares excerpts from some of his favorite shows over the last year. Included in Part Two of the special One Year Anniversary show are interviews with Shawn Ray, Rich Gaspari, Dan Solomon and Peter McGough (Season 4 – The 1990 Mr. Olympia), Boyer Coe and John Brown (Season 5 – The NABBA Mr. Universe contest) and Dave Mastorakis and Jerry Brainum (Season 6 – The Larry Scott Years).
1 Year Anniversary Special, Part One

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is celebrating it’s One Year Anniversary with this special edition of the podcast. Host John Hansen shares clips from some of his favorite interviews conducted for the show in the last year. Included in Part One of this special one year anniversary podcast are excerpts from interviews with Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors author Randy Roach, Pumping Iron author Charles Gaines, Roger Callard, Dorian Yates, Lee Haney, former IFBB Head Judge Roger Schwab, Danny Padilla, Roy Callender and IFBB Judge Winston Roberts.
Season 8 – Women’s Bodybuilding
Season 8, Episode 3 – Janet Tech

Janet Tech, one of the top female bodybuilders in the 1980’s, talks about competing during the early days of Women’s Bodybuilding. Janet talks about how competitive women’s bodybuilding was in the ’80’s, winning her pro card at the 1988 NPC Women’s Nationals and World Championships and competing as a pro in the Ms. Olympia contest. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles from the February, 1989 issue of Flex Magazine including the contest report on the 1988 NPC Women’s Nationals and Tony Pearson’s article on Symmetry.
Season 8, Episode 2 – Cory Everson

Cory Everson, 6 Time Ms. Olympia and one of the most popular women bodybuilders in the history of the sport, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Cory talks about how she started competing in bodybuilding after her career as an athlete ended in college. Cory’s great structure and work ethic allowed her to rapidly progress in bodybuilding by winning the 1984 NPC Nationals and the Ms. Olympia all in the same year. Cory went on to dominate the sport of Women’s Bodybuilding during the 1980’s, winning six consecutive Ms. Olympia titles from 1984-1989. Cory talks about her bodybuilding career including the influence of her ex-husband and coach Jeff Everson, the time in her career when she almost lost her leg due to a blood clot, the pressure she was under to win the Ms. Olympia every year, the popularity of women’s bodybuilding in the 1980’s, the training and diet program she followed to win the Ms. Olympia title and her television and movie career after she stopped competing.
Season 8, Episode 1 – Ruth Silverman

Ruth Silverman, former editor at Flex Magazine and IronMan Magazine, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the history of Women’s Bodybuilding. Ruth and host John Hansen discuss the beginning of women competing in bodybuilding competitions, what made women’s bodybuilding so popular in the 1980’s, the influence of the movie “Pumping Iron 2 – The Women” on the sport and what is the ideal physique for women’s bodybuilding. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads an article from the January, 1978 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Zane Wins Mr. Olympia” written by Roger Schwab detailing all the events that occurred at the 1977 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7 – Old School Bodybuilding
Season 7, Episode 220 – Victor Terra, Part Two

Victor Terra, 1983 AAU Teenage Mr. America and NPC Teenage Mr. USA, NABBA Amateur and Professional Mr. Universe and Short Class winner of the 1985 AAU Mr. America, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of his interview, Victor talks about competing and winning the 1985 AAU Jr. Mr. America and Mr. America competitions and his experience competing in the NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Victor also discusses the details of his contest prep and what he is doing now after stepping away from the bodybuilding stage.
Episode aired on October 18, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 219 – Victor Terra, Part One

Victor Terra, 1983 Teenage Mr. America and Teenage Mr. USA, NABBA Mr. Universe and Pro Mr. Universe, Short Class winner of the 1985 AAU Mr. America, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, Victor explains how he started bodybuilding and meeting his mentor Bob Gruskin. Victor also talks about his success competing in the Teenage Bodybuilding contests by winning both the AAU Teenage Mr. America and NPC Teenage Mr. USA in the same year.
Episode aired on October 6, 2024
Season 7, Episode 218 – Bob Cicherillo

Bob Cicherillo, 2000 NPC USA Champion and the “Voice of Bodybuilding” is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his long career. Bob began competing at only 13 years old in his hometown of Rochester, New York. He won the 1987 NPC Junior Nationals and battled his way to the top of the competitive ranks of the NPC until he finally got his pro card by winning the 2000 NPC USA Championships. Bob talks about what bodybuilding was like in the 1980’s and ’90’s, the current judging standards of the IFBB and if the posing round should be judged. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “The Junior Nationals Champ Doesn’t Train for Second Place” written by J.M. Manion from the April, 1988 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on September 24, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 217 – Dan Solomon on the 60th Mr. Olympia

Dan Solomon, the President of the Mr. Olympia contest, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dan talks about the events that will take place for the 60th Mr. Olympia contest which will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 10-13, 2024. Dan gives the details on the new venue for the Mr. Olympia and what goes into putting on the biggest bodybuilding competition in the world. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads three articles from some old school bodybuilding magazines including the 1968 Mr. Olympia report from Muscle Builder magazine, the first article written about Arnold Schwarzenegger written by Joe Weider in Muscle Builder magazine and a great article written by Rick Wayne about Arnold’s only real competition from a 1975 issue of Muscle Mag International.
Episode aired on September 17, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 216 – Nicolas Chemla, Part Two

Nicolas Chemla, author of the new book Mister America, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. Mister America is a novel about the life of bodybuilder Mike Mentzer. Originally published in France in 2019, Mister America has now been translated to English and is available in the United States. In Part Two of his interview, Nicolas talks about Mike’s trip to see his first Mr. Olympia contest in 1965, Mike’s friendship with Dave Mastorakis, meeting Arthur Jones and Casey Viator at the 1971 AAU Mr. America contest, Mike’s relationship with Joe Weider and the eventual decline of his life. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Mike Mentzer – A Future Superstar” written by Armand Tanny for the January, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. John also reads an excerpt from the book about when a young Mike Mentzer goes to see the first Mr. Olympia contest in 1965.
Episode aired on September 10, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 215 – Nicolas Chemla, Part One

Nicolas Chemla, author of the book Mister America, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Mister America is a novel about the life of bodybuilder Mike Mentzer. Originally published in France in 2019, Mister America is now available in the United States and has been translated to English. In Part One of his interview, Nicolas talks about why he decided to write the book about Mike Mentzer and the people he interviewed for the book. At the end of the episode, host John Hansen reads the first article written about Mike Mentzer from the April, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode aired on September 2nd, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 214 – Old School Bodybuilding Articles

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads four selected articles from the bodybuilding magazines during the 1970’s and 1980’s era. These articles include a report of the 1977 NABBA Mr. Universe contest written by Robert Kennedy for Muscle Mag Annual 3, “How I won the Big O(ne)” written by Lee Haney for the April, 1985 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine, “Frank Zane is Letting Go” written by Jeff Everson for the August, 1986 issue of Flex Magazine and “Is It Live or Is It…?” written by Mashay Bernstein for the March, 1987 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on August 28th, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 213 – Mr. Olympia History, Part Three

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins host John Hansen for Part Three of their interview about the history of the Mr. Olympia contest. On this episode, Jerry and John talk about the Lee Haney Era (1984-1991) in which Lee Haney set the record for the most Mr. Olympia wins. They also discuss the Mass Monster Era which started when Dorian Yates was winning the Mr. Olympia from 1992-1997. Dorian was followed by Ronnie Coleman who tied Lee Haney’s record of 8 consecutive Mr. Olympia wins. At the end of the interview, John reads the article “Once Upon a Time in Australia” about the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest.
Episode aired on August 19th, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 212 – Mr. Olympia History, Part Two

On. this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins John Hansen for Part Two of his discussion about the History of the Mr. Olympia contest. On this episode, Jerry and John talk about the Columbus Years (1976-1979) when Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer promoted the Mr. Olympia in Columbus, Ohio. They also discuss the Controversial Years (1980-1981), the two most controversial Mr. Olympia competitions in the history of the event when both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu came back, each after a five year layoff, to win the title again. Finally, Jerry and John talk about the In-Between Years when Chris Dickerson and Samir Bannout both the title for the first time in 1982 and 1983, respectively. At the end of the interview, John reads three articles about these years in bodybuilding including “In Defense of Zane” written by Garry Bartlett for the May, 1980 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine, “How I Saw the 1981 Mr. Olympia” written by Steven Robinson for the March, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine and “1980 Olympia Report” written by Jack Neary for the February, 1981 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Episode aired on August 11, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 211 – Mr. Olympia History, Part One

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins John Hansen for a discussion about the History of the Mr. Olympia contest. This year will mark the 60th Mr. Olympia so Jerry and John go all the way back to the first Mr. Olympia contest and talk about the different eras of the biggest bodybuilding contest in the world. In Part One of their discussion, Jerry and John talk about the Bud Parker Era (1965-1969) when the Mr. Olympia was held at the Brooklyn Academy of Music for the first five years. They also discuss the Arnold Era which lasted from 1970-1975 when Arnold Schwarzenegger was the King of Bodybuilding.
Episode aired on August 5th, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 210 – 1984 NPC Nationals reports

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads three contest reports about the 1984 NPC Nationals. This great competition was won by Mike Christian in the heavyweight class and overall with Rich Gaspari taking first place in the light heavyweight class. John reads the contest reports from Flex Magazine, Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine. Also included in this episode is the contest report from the 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe written by Robert Kennedy for MuscleMag International magazine.
Episode aired on June 26, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 209 – 1984 Mr. Olympia report

The 1984 Mr. Olympia contest was one of the best Olympia’s in the 60 year history of that competition. Featuring 20 of the best bodybuilders of that time, the 1984 Mr. Olympia featured bodybuilders from the 1970’s (Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe, Robby Robinson, Albert Beckles, Roy Callender, Bob Birdsong) matching up with the current group of bodybuilding champs (Lee Haney, Mohamed Makkawy, Samir Bannout, Jusup Wilcosz, Bob Paris). The most exciting aspect of this contest, however, was the return of Sergio Oliva to the Mr. Olympia stage. After a 12 year absence from the Mr. Olympia contest, Sergio decided to come back to New York and make a bid for the title. Lee Haney won his first of eight Mr. Olympia titles at this contest and he showed the dominance that would make him the best bodybuilder of the 1980’s and one of the greatest of all time.
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads all the contest reports of the 1984 Mr. Olympia from the major bodybuilding magazines (Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Muscle Mag International and IronMan). Written by Jeff Everson, Rick Wayne, Greg Zulak and Garry Bartlett, these contest reports of the 1984 Mr. Olympia will reveal all the drama, excitement, anticipation and emotion of one of the best Mr. Olympia competitions in history.
Episode aired on June 4th, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 208 – Chris Lund articles in MuscleMag International

Famous photographer Chris Lund took some of the best photos in Bodybuilding during his time working for the magazines. But Chris also wrote some articles for MuscleMag International during his time working for the magazine in the 1980’s. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads four articles written by Chris Lund from 1981-1982 for MuscleMag International. The bodybuilders covered in these articles include Bertil Fox, Sergio Oliva, Serge Nubret and Albert Beckles.
Episode aired on May 16, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 207 – 1974 Mr. Olympia and Serge Nubret

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the 1974 Mr. Olympia contest by reading two articles from Sports Illustrated Magazine about bodybuilding and the Mr. Olympia contest that year. John reads the article “The Men and the Myth” by Richard W. Johnston from the October 14, 1974 issue of Sports Illustrated and then he reads the follow-up article “Trying to Muscle In” written by Barry McDermott which was reprinted in the March, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder/Power magazine. John also reads two articles on the legendary Serge Nubret from the Muscle Mag Annual issues. The first article is “An M.M.I. interview with….Serge Nubret” written by Bill Reynolds and Denie from Muscle Mag Annual 77 and the second article is “In the Gym with Serge Nubret” written by Robert Kennedy for the Muscle Mag Annual 79/80.
Episode aired May 2, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 206 – The Days of Reeves, Scott and Oliva

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads some articles from the Golden Age of Bodybuilding when Steve Reeves, John Grimek, Larry Scott and Sergio Oliva were winning the top championships. Included in the articles shared on this episode are “Steve Reeves Wins 1947 Mr. America” written by Mark Wolfe from the January, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine, “Mr. America Contest 1947” written by Peary Radar from the Fall, 1947 issue of IronMan Magazine, “The Mr. Universe Contest” written by George Walsh from the October, 1948 issue of Strength and Health magazine, “The 1950 Mr. Universe Contest” written by George Walsh from the April, 1975 issue of Muscle Mag International, “The Night Larry Scott Conquered New York” written by Rick Wayne from the April-May, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine and “Bodybuilding’s Finest Hour” written by Rick Wayne from the July, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode aired April 12, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 205 – Remembering Roger Schwab

Roger Schwab, head judge for the IFBB Professional League during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, passed away on March 25, 2024 at the age of 79. Roger was a guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast several times since the podcast began in 2017, sharing his stories of watching some of the most historical bodybuilding competitions from the Golden Era, training with Mike Mentzer and judging top competitions like the Mr. Olympia. As a tribute to Roger, this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is dedicated to him. Included in this episode are excerpts of previous interviews conducted with Roger from 2017-2020. Rest In Peace Roger, we’ll miss you.
Episode aired April 2, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 204 – 1978 Night of the Champions and World Cup

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads the contest reports of the first Night of the Champions contest in 1978 as well as the 1978 World Cup promoted by Golds Gym owner Ken Sprague. Included in the articles read are “The Night of the Champions Turns Into the Night of Controversy” from the October 1978 issue of Muscle Digest magazine, “The Night of the Champions Was Robby Robinson Day At Last” from the August, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine, “Night of the Champions” from the 1978 Muscle Mag Annual, “Gold’s Classic” from the December, 1978 issue of Muscle Digest magazine and “The World Cup” from the December, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode aired March 26, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 203 – Bodybuilding in the Movies

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen goes back to the years 1976-1977 when the movies discovered the sport of bodybuilding with the release of “Stay Hungry” (1976) and “Pumping Iron” (1977). John reads a series of articles from both Muscle Builder magazine and Muscle Mag International about these two ground breaking movies when they were being made and then finally released. The articles include “Arnold on Location in “STAY HUNGRY” from the November, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder magazine, “The Genesis of “Pumping Iron” from the March, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder, “Bodybuilders Movie – At Last!” from the December, 1976 issue of Muscle Mag International, “Pumping Iron Preview” from the February, 1977 issue of Muscle Mag International and “They Loved Him with Clothes On” from the April, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder.
Episode aired on March 19, 2024
Season 7, Episode 202 – Arnold Classic Tribute

In this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, as a tribute to the Arnold Classic, host John Hansen reads three articles about some old Arnold Classic competitions from the 1990’s. These articles include “Class at the Classic” about the 1990 Arnold Classic written by Steve Holman for the June, 1990 issue of IronMan Magazine, “Just Desserts” about the 1991 Arnold Classic written by Lonnie Teper for the June, 1991 issue of IronMan Magazine and “Flex’s Classic Win” about the 1993 Arnold Classic written by Johnny Fitness for the July, 1993 issue of MuscleMag International Magazine. John also reads an interview with Arnold from July, 1993 issue of Muscular Development magazine about his views on the future of the Bodybuilding and Fitness industry. At the beginning of the podcast, John talks about the 2024 Arnold Classic which took place this past weekend from March 1st-3rd, 2024.
Episode aired March 3, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 201 – Bodybuilding Magazines – 1983 Pro World and Bodybuilding News

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads three articles about the 1983 Pro World Bodybuiliding Championships from three different magazines – Muscle & Fitness, Flex Magazine and Muscle Mag International. John also talks about John Balik’s Bodybuilding News magazines which ran during the year 1983 and he reads two articles from that magazine about the 1983 NPC Nationals and the 1983 IFBB Mr. Universe.
Episode aired February 26, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 200 – 1993 Mr. Olympia In Review with Shawn Ray

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guests Shawn Ray and Jerry Brainum discuss the 1993 Mr. Olympia contest where Dorian Yates won his second Mr. Olympia title and Shawn Ray placed a very close third place behind runner-up Flex Wheeler. Shawn talks about training with Flex Wheeler earlier in the year to prep him for his Arnold Classic win, his own preparation for the Mr. Olympia that year and his thoughts on Dorian Yates changing the sport of bodybuilding by introducing the Mass Monster era. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the 1993 Mr. Olympia Report written by Peter McGough from the January, 1994 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on February 19, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 199 – 1993 In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Flex, Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1993 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of their interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about some of the major professional bodybuilding competitions in 1993 including the IronMan Pro Invitational, the Arnold Classic won by Flex Wheeler, the Night of the Champions won by Porter Cottrell and some other IFBB Grand Prix events. At the end of the podcast, John reads an article written by Kal Szkalak for the May/June issue of Muscle Digest magazine regarding the controversial judging of the 1977 IFBB Mr. Universe in which Kal beat Mike Mentzer in the heavyweight class.
Episode aired on February 15, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 198 – 1993 In Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1993 in Bodybuilding. In Part One of his interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the top amateur competitions from the year 1993. Included in their discussion is the 1993 NPC USA Championships won by Chris Cormier, the 1993 NPC Nationals won by Mike Francois and the 1993 IFBB North American Championships won by David Fisher.
Episode aired on February 5, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 197 – 1983 In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1983 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of his interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the professional bodybuilding competitions from that year including the 1983 Professional World Championships won by Mohamed Makkawy, the 1983 Night of the Champions won by Lee Haney, the 1983 Mr. Olympia won by Samir Bannout and the 1983 Las Vegas Grand Prix also won by Lee Haney. At the beginning of the podcast, Jerry and John talk about the 1983 IFBB Mr. Universe won by Bob Paris over Berry DeMey.
Episode aired on January 29, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 196 – 1983 In Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1983 in Bodybuilding. In Part One of this episode, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the major amateur competitions in 1983 including the 1983 AAU Mr. America won by Jeff King, the 1983 NABBA Mr. Universe won by Jeff King (amateur) and Edwardo Kawak (Professional) and the 1983 NPC Nationals won by Bob Paris.
Episode aired on January 22, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 195 – 1973 In Review

Jerry Brainum, former writer at Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1973 in Bodybuilding. Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the major bodybuilding competitions in 1973 including the 1973 AAU Mr. America won by Jim Morris, the 1973 NABBA Mr. Universe won by Chris Dickerson and Boyer Coe, the 1973 IFBB Mr. America won by Lou Ferrigno, the 1973 IFBB Mr. World won by Ken Waller and the 1973 IFBB Mr. Universe also won by Lou Ferrigno. Also discussed is the 1973 Mr. Olympia contest which was featured in the book Pumping Iron. Finally, Jerry and John talk about the controversial IFBB Mr. International contest which was held in Tijuana, Mexico.
Episode aired on January 8, 2024.
Season 7, Episode 194 – 1963 In Review

Happy New Year! In this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum again joins John Hansen for their annual End of the Year review in which they look back 30, 40 and 50 years in Bodybuilding History. For this episode, Jerry and John actually go back 60 years to 1963 to discuss the AAU Mr. America in which Harold Poole lost to Vern Weaver and the IFBB Mr. America and Mr. Universe featuring such superstars as Larry Scott, Freddy Ortiz and Hugo Labra. Jerry and John also talk about the people we lost in 2023 from the bodybuilding world.
Episode aired on January 1st, 2024
Season 7, Episode 193 – 1980 and 81 Olympia Controversies

In this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads the contest reports of the controversial 1980 and 1981 Mr. Olympia contests from Muscle Mag International and Muscle Digest magazines. The articles included in this episode include “Arnold’s 7th Olympia Win Tarnished by Controversy” written by Jon Meade from the December, 1980 issue of Muscle Digest magazine, “The Olympia Fiasco” written by Frank Burwash from the April, 1981 issue of Muscle Digest, “Columbu in Columbus: Can It Be True?” written by Robert Kennedy for the March, 1982 issue of Muscle Mag International and “Mr. Olympia – Franco’s Hollow Victory” written by Kevin Campbell and Joe Trocolli from the February, 1982 issue of Muscle Digest magazine.
Episode aired on December 24, 2023.
Season 7, Episode 192 – 1980 Grand Prix contests

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads a series of articles about the 1980 IFBB Grand Prix circuit as reported in Muscle & Fitness magazine. This was the first year in which the IFBB held a series of professional contests from February to May, 1980 featuring some of the best professional bodybuilders in the world. Included in these competitions were bodybuilders such as Chris Dickerson, Casey Viator, Robby Robinson, Roy Callender, Samir Bannout, Ed Corney, Boyer Coe and others. John reads each of the contest reports from Muscle & Fitness magazine for all five of these competitions. Sit back and enjoy the contest coverage of some of the best bodybuilders in the Golden Era competing in the first IFBB Grand Prix circuit. At the beginning of the podcast, John remembers Ruth Silverman, editor and writer at IronMan Magazine, who passed away on 12/1/23.
Episode aired on December 3, 2023.
Season 7, Episode 191 – Mr. Olympia Articles

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads a series of articles from Muscle Builder and Muscle & Fitness magazines about the Mr. Olympia winners from 1977-1983. The articles that are included in this episode include “How the Kid with the Football Exploded Robby’s Dream” about Frank Zane’s first Mr. Olympia win in 1977, “A Bodybuilders Notebook: How I won the Mr. Olympia” by Franco Columbu in 1981, “Chris Dickerson: Iron in the Blood”, an interview with Chris Dickerson before he won the 1982 Mr. Olympia and “The Higher You Climb, the More You Can See” by Samir Bannout after his 1983 Mr. Olympia win.
Episode aired on November 21, 2023.
Season 7, Episode 190 – Paul Becker, author of Mike Mentzer and Me

Author Paul Becker joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for this episode to talk about his new book Mike Mentzer and Me. Paul explains what it was like to train with Mike Mentzer about a year before he passed away and what he learned about Mike’s training philosophy. Paul also talks about how he was able to apply these training principles to his own workouts in order to compete in natural bodybuilding competitions. At the end of the episode, host John Hansen reads the article “Mike Mentzer Heavyweight” written by Bill Reynolds about Mike Mentzer’s training to win the 1978 IFBB Mr. Universe. This article appeared in the March, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder & Power magazine.
Episode aired on November 15, 2023
Season 7, Episode 189 – Arnold – A Portrait by George Butler

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads excerpts from the book Arnold Schwarzenegger – A Portrait by George Butler. In his 1990 book, the director of the movie “Pumping Iron” displays his many rare photographs of Arnold Schwarzenegger from their relationship between 1972-1980 as well as sharing his thoughts and reflections on the impact Arnold made in bodybuilding and Arnold’s unique mindset and personality.
Episode aired on October 25, 2023
Season 7, Episode 188 – MuscleMag Articles

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads a series of articles from some old MuscleMag International magazines from the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. MuscleMag International magazine was published by Robert Kennedy. The magazine started in 1974 and it became one of the most popular magazines in the bodybuilding industry thanks in part to its unbiased coverage of all the bodybuilding organizations, great articles and pictures and cutting edge gossip from around the bodybuilding world.
The articles that are included in this episode are “Weider is a Trip” written by Rick Wayne for the April, 1975 issue of MuscleMag International, “Stay Hungry: Arnold Makes a Hit!” written by Denie for the August, 1976 issue of MuscleMag, “The Year of Zane” written by Frank Zane for the August, 1977 issue of MuscleMag and “Here for the Gambling!” written by Chris Lund for the September, 1981 issue of MuscleMag.
Episode aired on October 9th, 2023
Season 7, Episode 187 – Pumping Iron – Quotes from the Book

In this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen revisits the classic book Pumping Iron. John reads all the quotes included in the book as well as reading some of the relevant excerpts from the original book published in 1974 and written by Charles Gaines. At the beginning of the podcast, John talks about the career of bodybuilder Franklyn Greene who recently passed away this past week.
Episode aired on September 24, 2023
Season 7, Episode 186 – Bodybuilding Magazines, Part Six

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads a series of articles from the bodybuilding magazines from 1977. The articles that are included in this episode include “AFAB Star Wars” written by Denie for the Muscle Mag Annual 3, “Tom Minichiello Stages Successful Mr. Western Hemisphere/Mr. USA Contests” by Rick Wayne for the February, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine, “The Good, The Bad, The Ugh-ly” written by Rick Wayne for the October, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine, “Rapping with Kal Szkalak” written by Armand Tanny for the December, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine, “Now I’m After Makkawy Says Danny Padilla” written by Rick Wayne for the October, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine and “Mr. Olympia or The Hulk” written by Lou Ferrigno for the December, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode aired on September 11, 2023
Season 7, Episode 185 – Steve Weinberger

Steve Weinberger, head judge for the IFBB Pro League and co-owner of Bev’s Gym in New York, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Steve talks about being involved with the film “Pumping Iron II: The Women” in 1983, meeting Bev Francis and some of the memorable competitions he saw in the 1980’s. Steve also gives his thoughts on judging a physique, how much posing matters in bodybuilding and what factors are important for winning a contest. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Heeere’s Bev!” written by Rick Wayne for the November, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on August 8th, 2023
Season 7, Episode 184 – Brian Moss, Part Two

Brian Moss, the founder of Better Bodies Gym in New York City, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of his interview, Brian talks about his career as a photographer in the bodybuilding world, his thoughts on the current state of women’s bodybuilding and his break-up with Gladys Portugues. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads two articles from Flex Magazine. The first is an interview with Brian Moss called “Her Range is Limitless” by Rick Wayne for the August, 1985 issue and the second article is “Gladys Heads West” written by Caroline McNamara for the December, 1986 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired July 9th, 2023
Season 7, Episode 183 – Brian Moss, Part One

Brian Moss, the founder of the original Better Bodies Gym in New York, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, Brian talks about why he opened up Better Bodies Gym in the 1980’s, his decision to market his gym to women and his idea for developing an advertising agency to represent bodybuilders. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Introducing the New, Improved Gladys Portugues” written by Bill Dobbins for the May, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on July 2, 2023
Season 7, Episode 182 – “Arnold” Documentary on Netflix, Part Two

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, writer Jerry Brainum returns for Part Two of his interview about the documentary on Arnold Schwarzenegger currently playing on Netflix. In the second part of their interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about Part One of the documentary “Arnold” which centers around Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding career. Included in the discussion is Arnold’s introduction to bodybuilding in Austria, his tempestuous relationship with his father and brother and choosing Reg Park for his role model. After the interview, John reads the article “As I Saw It…” written by Rick Wayne about the 1969 Mr. Olympia contest between Sergio and Arnold.
Episode aired on June 25, 2023
Season 7, Episode 181 – “Arnold” Documentary on Netflix, Part One

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, writer Jerry Brainum is the guest to discuss the new documentary on Netflix called “Arnold”. This 3 part documentary series covers the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger in three episodes that talk about his life as an Athlete, Actor and Politician. In Part One of the interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about Arnold’s movie career from his auspicious debut in “Hercules in New York” (1970) to the peak of his Hollywood career with films such as “Twins” (1988), “Total Recall” (1990) and “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” (1991). At the end of the interview, John reads the article “Arnold Schwarzenegger on Movies, Muscles & Maria” by Steve Holman for the July, 1988 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired on June 19, 2023
Season 7, Episode 180 – Mike Quinn Tribute with Neal Spruce and Rick Valente

This episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is a tribute to bodybuilder Mike Quinn who recently passed away on May 31st, 2023 at the age of 61. Guests Rick Valente and Neal Spruce were close friends and training partners of Mike back in the 1980’s and ’90’s during Mike’s competitive career. Neal talks about when Mike lived with him and his wife for a year and what it was like to train with him for the 1990 Mr. Olympia. Rick talks about his long friendship with Mike and helping him to design his exciting posing routines for his competitions. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “How Gable Boudreaux Turned Jeers Into Cheers” written by Armand Tanny for the May-June, 1966 issue of Muscle Builder/Power magazine.
Episode aired June 12, 2023
Season 7, Episode 179 – Gabe Boudreaux

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Gabe Boudreaux joins the show to talk about his career in Bodybuilding. Gabe started training as a skinny teen in Louisiana and he took to weight training like a fish takes to water. After winning some local shows, Gabe decided to move to California, the Mecca of Bodybuilding. While in California, Gabe trained at Vince’s Gym and became training partners with Larry Scott. Gabe went on to win the 1965 IFBB Mr. International and the 1966 IFBB Mr. Universe – Short Class. In addition to bodybuilding, Gabe is also an accomplished musician and actor. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Mike Quinn Emerges” written by Lonnie Teper for the November, 1987 issue of IronMan Magazine about Mike Quinn after he won the 1987 NPC USA.
Episode aired June 5th, 2023
Season 7, Episode 178 – Bodybuilding Magazine, Part Five

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads some old bodybuilding articles from both Muscle & Fitness and Muscle Mag International Annual 77 magazines. Included in this episode are the 1986 Pro World Championships and Mr. Olympia contest reports, an article about the “Pumping Iron” premiere from January, 1977, “How Arnold Handles Stupid Questions about Bodybuilding”, “The Real Story of Tom Platz at the 1981 Mr. Olympia” and the Mental Muscle of Rich Gaspari.
Episode aired May 22nd, 2023
Season 7, Episode 177 – Bodybuilding Magazines, Part Four

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads some old articles from Muscle Builder Magazine from the 1970’s and ’80’s era. Included in this episode are the articles “How I Use My Head to Build Muscle” and “I Envisioned the World’s Greatest Back”, both written by Arnold Schwarzenegger, “The 1976 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships report” and “Dickerson Knocks ‘Em Dead – The 1979 Canada Cup contest report” both written by Jack Neary and “Who Says Dreams Don’t Come True” written by Armand Tanny with Tom Platz.
Episode aired May 2nd, 2023
Season 7, Episode 176 – David Kinder

David Kinder is an 86 year old bodybuilder who trained at the original Muscle Beach and was one of the early members of Vic Tanny’s Gym, the original Gold’s Gym and the legendary Dungeon Gym in California. David joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast on this episode to share his stories of watching Steve Reeves compete in 1947 and training alongside bodybuilding legends like Dave Draper, Chet Yorton, Don Howorth and Larry Scott. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads a controversial interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger from Oui Magazine in 1977.
Episode aired April 24, 2023
Season 7, Episode 175 – Bodybuilding Magazines, Part Three

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads some old articles from some classic bodybuilding magazines from the 1970’s and ’80’s. Included in this episode are John Hansen’s article about Tony Pearson winning the controversial 1978 Mr. America contest, Robert Nailon’s article “Arnold Came to Dinner” from the Muscle Mag Annual 77, Armand Tanny’s article “Zane: Reframing the Nightmare” from the April, 1981 issue of Muscle&Fitness Magazine and “The Bodybuilding Strategy of Mike Mentzer” by Rick Wayne from the March, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine.
Episode Aired on April 10, 2023
Season 7, Episode 174 – Tony Pearson – “Driven: The Tony Pearson Story”

1978 AAU Mr. America and 1980 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe Tony Pearson is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Tony is joined by Andrew Menjivar, the director of the new documentary “Driven: The Tony Pearson Story”. The film was recently screened at a film festival in California and won the prize for Best Documentary Film. In the interview, Tony and Andrew talk about the making of the documentary which is based on Tony’s autobiography “Driven”. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Mr. T Talks Back” written by Rick Wayne from the October, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode Aired March 27, 2023
Season 7, Episode 173 – Bill Grant

1974 IFBB Mr. World Bill Grant is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Bill talks about the workouts he is following now to look so good at 76 years old. Bill also talks about his role in the recent documentary “Dream Big”, meeting Joe Weider for the first time and his memories of training at the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “How Bill Grant Gained 82 Pounds of Solid Muscle” written by Joe Weider for the July, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder/Power.
Episode Aired on March 21, 2023
Season 7, Episode 172 – Bodybuilding Magazines, Part Two

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads some old bodybuilding magazine articles from the 1970’s and ’80’s. Included in this episode is the article “Behind the Stars” written by Bill Reynolds from the Muscle Mag Annual 3, “The First Battle of the Season” written by Bill Dobbins from the August, 1983 issue of Flex Magazine, “Training Strategies of Frank Zane” written by Rick Wayne from the February, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine and “So Long Arnold”, interview by Gordan Coleman from Muscle Mag Annual 77.
Episode Aired on March 9, 2023
Season 7, Episode 171 – Arnold Classic Winners

To celebrate the upcoming 35th annual Arnold Classic on March 3rd-5th, 2023, the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast looks back at previous interviews done with former Arnold Classic winners including Rich Gaspari (1989), Mike Ashley (1990), Shawn Ray (1991), Vince Taylor (1992) and Mike Francois (1995). All these legendary bodybuilders talk about winning their Arnold Classic titles, the competitors they faced and what the title meant to their careers. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads an article he wrote for the RXMuscle website called “The First Arnold Classic”.
Episode aired February 27, 2023
Season 7, Episode 170 – 1992 In Review, Part Three – 1992 Mr. Olympia

Writer Jerry Brainum is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1992. On Part Three of his interview, Jerry joins host John Hansen to talk about the 1992 Mr. Olympia contest won by Dorian Yates in Helsinki, Finland. Jerry and John discuss the top competitors from this historic event as well as the return of Lou Ferrigno to the bodybuilding stage. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads the article “Finale in Finland” written by Julian Schmidt for the February, 1993 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired February 20, 2023
Season 7, Episode 169 – 1992 In Review, Part Two

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast welcomes guest Jerry Brainum to review the year 1992 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of his interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about some of the biggest professional competitions from 1992 including the 1992 Arnold Classic won by Vince Taylor and the 1992 Night of the Champions won by Kevin Levrone. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads the article “Haney on the Hot Seat…Will He or Won’t He?” written by John Little, Peter McGough and Bob Wolff from the March, 1993 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired February 14, 2023
Season 7, Episode 168 – Roy Callender – RC3

Bodybuilding legend Roy Callender is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Roy is joined by his friend Carlos Benfaito to talk about Roy’s new training app called RC3, a brand new technology the employs AI to help Roy train his clients remotely. Roy also talks to John about his early bodybuilding career including when he first moved to Canada, working with the legendary trainer/photographer Jimmy Caruso and his memories of some of the legendary bodybuilders he competed against. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Roy Callender – World Middleweight Champion” written by Jack Neary for the December, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode aired February 7, 2023
Season 7, Episode 167 – 1992 In Review, Part One

Guest Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the year in Bodybuilding in 1992. In Part One of his interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the top amateur competitions from 1992 including the 1992 NPC USA won by Flex Wheeler and the 1992 IFBB North America Championships won by Paul Dillett. At the end of the Podcast, John reads the article “Beef…Beef…Beef, the 1982 Olympia Conclusion” written by Rick Wayne for the May, 1993 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine.
Episode aired January 29, 2023
Season 7, Episode 166 – Bodybuilding Magazines, Part One

Host John Hansen reads five articles from some old bodybuilding magazines on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Included in the articles read for this podcast are –
“The 1977 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships” written by Jack Neary from the March, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine
“Requiem for a Superstar?” written by Garry Bartlett from the November, 1987 issue of Body Power Magazine
“Mr. Olympia Part II” written by Rick Wayne from the March, 1984 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine
“Oh My Gosh, It’s Really Rachel McLish” written by Rick Wayne from the June, 1984 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine
“Arnold Schwarzenegger M+F Interview” written by Bill Dobbins from the March, 1982 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine
Episode Aired January 24, 2023
Season 7, Episode 165 – 1982 In Review, Part Two

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast celebrates the end of each year by looking back 30, 40 and 50 years at the events in the world of Bodybuilding. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, we go back 40 years to the year 1982 to talk about the major professional bodybuilding competitions from that year. Guest Jerry Brainum joins host John Hansen for Part Two of his interview to talk about the top three major IFBB pro contests from 1982 including the 1982 Mr. Olympia, the IFBB Pro World Championships and the Night of the Champions contest. Included in the discussion is Chris Dickerson’s victory at the 1982 Mr. Olympia in London, Albert Beckles winning the Night of the Champions over IFBB newcomer and NABBA Mr. Universe winner Bertil Fox and Beckle’s victory at the Pro World Championship over Boyer Coe. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads two articles pertaining to the 1982 Mr. Olympia. The first is called “Dickerson Is New Mr. Olympia” written by Garry Bartlett from the March, 1983 issue of IronMan Magazine. The second article is titled “Chris Dickerson Wins the ’82 Olympia” written by Bill Dobbins for the first issue of Flex Magazine (April, 1982).
Episode aired January 13th, 2023
Season 7, Episode 164 – 1982 In Review, Part One

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast celebrates the end of each year by looking back 30, 40 and 50 years at the events in the world of Bodybuilding. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, we go 40 years back to the year 1982 to talk about the major competitions from that year. Guest Jerry Brainum joins host John Hansen for Part One to talk about the top amateur competitions from that year. Included in the discussion is start of the NPC organization with the first NPC American Bodybuilding Championships won by Lee Haney and the 1982 AAU Mr. America contest won by Rufus Howard. At the end of the podcast, John reads two articles from 1982 – “Howard Wins AAU Mr. America” written by Al Antuck from the November, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine and “Another Viewpoint – The NPC American Bodybuilding Championships” also written by Al Antuck from the March, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired January 9th, 2023
Season 7, Episode 163 – 1972 In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast continues its end of the year celebration by looking back 50 years at the year in Bodybuilding circa 1972. Guest Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to discuss the major IFBB competitions from 1972 including the 1972 Mr. Olympia with Sergio Oliva vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the 1972 IFBB Mr. Universe won by Ed Corney, the 1972 IFBB Mr. World won by Mike Katz over Ken Waller and the 1972 IFBB Mr. America also won by Ed Corney over Leon Brown. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles from 1972. The first is from the July, 1973 issue of Muscle Builder magazine titled “The Dark Shadow Over Arnold’s Sun” written by Rick Wayne and the second article “Has Success Spoiled Arnold?” also written by Rick Wayne is from August, 1973 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine.
Episode aired January 1st, 2023
Season 7, Episode 162 – 1972 In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast celebrates the end of each year by looking back at the Bodybuilding world 50, 40 and 30 years in the past. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins host John Hansen to talk about the year 1972. In Part One of their interview, Jerry and John talk about the 1972 AAU Mr. America contest won by Steve Michalik. They also discuss the 1972 NABBA Mr. Universe contest won by Frank Zane in the Professional class and Elias Petsas in the Amateur division. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads two articles from IronMan Magazine. The first article is called “Physiques of ’72…The Year in Review” written by Franklin Page from the May, 1973 issue of IronMan Magazine and the second article is titled “The Death of Bodybuilding” written by Steve Michalik from the September, 1972 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired December 25, 2022
Season 7, Episode 161 – Rich Gaspari – “Gaspari” The Documentary

Rich Gaspari, 1989 Arnold Classic Champion and 3x Mr. Olympia runner-up, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about a new documentary about his life called “Gaspari”. Rich also talks about bodybuilders turning pro today and how hard it was to get a pro card in the 1980’s, recovering from his recent neck surgery, the importance of Bodybuilding History, his relationship with Joe Weider and the reality of getting older. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “The Knee in the Back that made Gaspari Rich” written by Jeff Everson for the December, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired December 11th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 160 – Joe Abbenda, 1962 AAU Mr. America

Joe Abbenda, 1962 AAU Mr. America and NABBA Mr. Universe winner, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Joe talks about how he began bodybuilding as a teenager and the early gyms he trained at in New York. Joe also tells the stories of when he started competing in bodybuilding and traveling to the national level competitions. Joe was one of the few bodybuilders who was able to win both the AAU Mr. America and the NABBA Mr. Universe competitions in the same year. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the 1983 Mr. Olympia report written by Rick Wayne for the February, 1984 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine.
Episode aired November 15, 2022
Season 7, Episode 159 – Rick Wayne, Part Three

1967 IFBB Mr. World Rick Wayne joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Three of his interview. Rick is regarded as one of the best writers in the bodybuilding industry. He worked for Joe Weider’s Muscle Builder and Flex Magazines for many years and he is the author of The Bodymen, Muscle Wars and the Three More Reps series of books. In addition, Rick was one of the best bodybuilders during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, winning the 1967 IFBB Mr. World and placing high in many other top level competitions. In Part Three of his interview, Rick talks about the Arnold-Sergio rivalry, Joe Weider’s relationship with Arnold, how Rick trained for his bodybuilding contests and his thoughts on Mike Mentzer, Bertil Fox, Serge Nubret, Frank Zane and Steve Reeves as well as his relationship with the eccentric Vince Gironda. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Now the Real Story of the ’84 Mr. Olympia!” written by Rick Wayne for the March, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired November 6th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 158 – Rick Wayne, Part Two

Rick Wayne, 1967 IFBB Mr. World, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. Rick was one of the best writers in the bodybuilding industry. He wrote for Joe Weider’s Muscle Builder and Flex Magazine during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding and is highly regarded as the best writer to write about bodybuilding. Rick was the author of the books The Bodymen, Muscle Wars and all three of the Three More Reps books. In Part Two of his interview, Rick talks about getting to know the real Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Sergio-Arnold feud, Sergio’s comeback at the 1984 Mr. Olympia, Rick’s injury before the 1976 Mr. Olympia and Rick’s thoughts on the current state of Bodybuilding. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Arnold: Saint or Devil” written by Rick Wayne from the April, 1981 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Episode aired October 31, 2022
Season 7, Episode 157 – Rick Wayne, Part One

Rick Wayne, 1967 IFBB Mr. World, is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Rick was one of the best writers to write for Joe Weider’s magazines Muscle Builder/Power and Flex Magazine for many years. Rick authored the books Muscle Wars, The Bodymen and all three of the Three More Reps books. In Part One of his interview, Rick talks about how he started bodybuilding as a kid living in St. Lucia. Rick also tells some early stories of meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger at the 1966 NABBA Mr. Universe, working for Joe Weider as an editor of Muscle Builder/Power and Flex Magazine and the influence of the bodybuilding magazines during the Golden Age of the sport. After the interview with Rick Wayne, host John Hansen reads the article “The IFBB Celebrates a Super Anniversary” written by Rick Wayne from the April/May, 1971 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine.
Episode aired October 24, 2022
Season 7, Episode 156 – Red Lerille, 1960 Mr. America

1960 AAU Mr. America Red Lerille joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his long career in bodybuilding. Red won the 1960 AAU Mr. America and his class at the NABBA Mr. Universe in London. Red became a gym owner in Louisiana after his bodybuilding career ended and he now owns Red Lerille’s Health and Racquet Club in Lafayette, Louisiana, one of the biggest gyms in the country. Red was also a mentor to the great Boyer Coe and he talks about coaching Boyer when he was a young man. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “How I Became a Mr. America” written by Red Lerille from the July-August, 1960 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired October 17, 2022
Season 7, Episode 155 – Bill Pearl Tribute with Boyer Coe and Richard Baldwin

Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. World Boyer Coe and 2x Middleweight Mr. America winner Richard Baldwin join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to offer their thoughts and memories of the great Bill Pearl who passed away on September 14th at the age of 91. Boyer and Richard talk about the time they first met Bill, how powerful Bill Pearl was on the posing platform, Bill relationship with Arthur Jones, Bill’s last Mr. Universe win in 1971 and Bill’s guest posing at the 1978 AAU Mr. America contest. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “The Bill Pearl Story” written by George Coates from the March, 1972 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired September 26, 2022
Season 7, Episode 154 – Tom Muscolino

Tom Muscolino took 2nd place at the 1969 AAU Teenage Mr. America contest as well as competing in the 1969 AAU Jr. Mr. America and 1970 AAU Mr. America. Tom talks about the state of bodybuilding in the 1960’s and how the competitions were judged back then. Growing up in Chicago, Tom also had a chance to train at the famous Duncan YMCA during the ’60’s and he was able to watch Sergio Oliva train at his peak. Tom tells the stories of watching Sergio win the Mr. Olympia contest in New York from 1967-1969 and losing the Olympia to Arnold in 1970. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the introduction to Bill Pearl’s book Getting Stronger in which Bill tells the story of how he started bodybuilding.
Episode aired on September 20th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 153 – Dave DeYoung and Larry Bernstein

Dave DeYoung, owner of the famous Quads Gym in Chicago, Illinois is joined by his long time friend Larry Bernstein, 1983 AAU Mr. America Short Class winner, to talk about Quads Gym and the great bodybuilders who trained there over the last four decades. Dave talks about starting up Quads Gym with his partner Tom Milanovich, his memories of the great people he met during his years running the gym and some of the famous bodybuilders who trained at his gym. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Arnold as I Know Him” written by Frank Zane for the May, 1972 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Aired September 11, 2022
Season 7, Episode 152 – Wayne Gallasch, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, photographer and videographer Wayne Gallasch talks about some of the legendary bodybuilders he filmed over the last 50 years. Wayne is responsible for filming some of the most classic bodybuilding competitions along with some of the most legendary bodybuilders in the history of the sport. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Bertil Fox – His Story” written by Wayne Gallasch from the September, 1977 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired on August 9, 2022
Season 7, Episode 151 – Wayne Gallasch, Part One

Wayne Gallasch has been filming and photographing the best bodybuilders in the world for over 50 years. In Part One of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Wayne talks about how he started as a bodybuilding photographer and videographer and what has kept him going in the business for all these years. Wayne also shares his thoughts on some of the iconic bodybuilders he has met over the years including Serge Nubret, Frank Zane, Chris Dickerson and Boyer Coe. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Reflections on the two Mr. Universe contests” written by Wayne Gallasch for the May, 1972 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired on August 2nd, 2022
Season 7, Episode 150 – John DeFendis, Part Two

1988 NPC USA Champion John DeFendis talks about his amazing comeback after a five year layoff to win the 1988 NPC USA Championships in Las Vegas on Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about taking third place in the 1979 AAU Mr. USA at only 20 years old, his many attempted comebacks in the 1980’s, the potential of Steve Michalik and his big win at the 1988 NPC USA after a five year layoff. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Highstakes Gamble” written by Julian Schmidt for the December, 1988 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on July 4th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 149 – John DeFendis, Part One

1988 NPC USA champion John DeFendis is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, John talks about competing as a teenager, his first meeting with 1972 Mr. America Steve Michalik and his experience training with Steve using the Intensity or Insanity workout program. John also talks about how extremely hard training helped to shape his character and develop his will to win. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Jackpot in Las Vegas for John DeFendis” written by Bill Reynolds for the December, 1988 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on June 27, 2022
Season 7, Episode 148 – Joe Nazario

1978 IFBB Mr. International winner Joe Nazario is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Joe talks about how he started bodybuilding while serving in the Air Force, his early competitions, winning the 1978 Mr. International, training in California vs. New York and overcoming a severe back injury. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Joe Nazario Defeats the Injury Demon” written by Bill Reynolds for the March, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder & Power
Episode aired June 20th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 147 – Stoney Lee Grimes

Stoney Lee Grimes, former training partner of Lee Labrada and one of the best amateur bodybuilders in the 1980’s, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Stony talks about how he started training as a teenager living in Texas, meeting Lee Labrada, working for Bill Phillips at EAS, competing in the top national level competitions in the 1980’s and his experience training with Lee Labrada. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Lee Labrada – Mass with Class” written by Steve Holman for the March, 1988 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired on June 14, 2022
Season 7, Episode 146 – Jeff King and Matt DuFresne, Part Two

1983 Mr. America and Mr. Universe Jeff King and 1989 Mr. America and Mr. Universe Matt DuFresne are the guests on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of their interview. On this episode, Jeff and Matt talk more about their bodybuilding careers including traveling around the world doing seminars and exhibitions, Jeff’s attempt at competing in the IFBB and their thoughts on getting older. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “How I trained for the Mr. America and Mr. Universe” written by Jeff King in 1984.
Episode aired on June 1st, 2022
Season 7, Episode 145 – Jeff King and Matt DuFresne, Part One

Two Mr. America and Mr. Universe winners join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast on this episode. Matt DuFresne, 1989 AAU Mr. America and NABBA Mr. Universe, is interviewed on the podcast along with his friend Jeff King, 1983 AAU Mr. America and NABBA Mr. Universe. In Part One of their interview, Matt and Jeff talk about their early days of training in Massachusetts and competing as teenagers before winning the Mr. America title in their early 20’s. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the 1983 Mr. America report from the January, 1984 IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired on May 25, 2022
Season 7, Episode 144 – Roger Schwab on past Mr. Olympia contests

Former IFBB head judge Roger Schwab joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about some of the articles he wrote for IronMan Magazine back in the 1970’s and ’80’s. Roger and host John Hansen talk about the contest reports that Roger wrote for the 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1986 Mr. Olympia contests. At the end of the podcast, John reads the article “Zane Wins Mr. Olympia” written by Roger Schwab for the March, 1979 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Episode aired on May 17, 2022
Season 7, Episode 143 – Lee Haney, Rich Gaspari, Samir Bannout remember Eddie Giuliani

Bodybuilding Legend Eddie Giuliani passed away on May 1st, 2022. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, 8x Mr. Olympia Lee Haney, 1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout and 1989 Arnold Classic champion Rich Gaspari reflect on the impact that Eddie had on their careers, meeting him at Worlds Gym in California and what a special person he was. Lee, Rich and Samir also talk about how many of the Bodybuilding Legends from the Golden Age all lived long lives compared to many of the bodybuilder’s today. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads Part Four of the 1981 Mr. Olympia report written by Rick Wayne for Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Episode aired on May 10, 2022
Season 7, Episode 142 – Eddie Robinson and Franco Santoriello

On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, former IFBB Pro Bodybuilders Eddie Robinson and Franco Santoriello talk about their time competing against each other during the 1980’s. Franco and Eddie both competed in the 1984 NPC Teenage USA, each winning their weight classes and Franco winning the overall. Eddie got his revenge at the 1989 NPC USA Championships where he beat Franco in the light heavyweight class before winning the overall. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads Part 3 of the 1981 Mr. Olympia report written by Rick Wayne in Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Episode aired on April 26, 2022
Season 7, Episode 141 – Tony Pearson, Phil Williams, Tom Terwilliger, Part Two

Former IFBB Pro Bodybuilders Phil Williams, Tony Pearson and Tom Terwilliger come together for an interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of their interview, Phil, Tony and Tom talk about the promise of Mixed Pairs competition, the unfortunate passing of Matt Mendenhall last year and their experiences competing in their very first competition. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Phil Williams – King of 1985” from the March, 1986 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated magazine. John also reads an article written by Lisa Lyon called “Why I Like Male Bodybuilders”.
Episode aired on April 19, 2022
Season 7, Episode 140 – Tony Pearson, Phil Williams and Tom Terwilliger, Part One

Bodybuilding Champions and former IFBB Professional Bodybuilders Phil Williams, Tony Pearson and Tom Terwilliger join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part One of their interview. Phil, Tony and Tom discuss a variety of different subjects including concentration during a workout, training in their 60’s, memories of Dave Draper and Chris Dickerson, Mixed Pairs posing and the start of women’s bodybuilding. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Mr. Olympia Report, Part II” written by Rick Wayne from the April, 1982 issue of Muscle&Fitness Magazine about the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest.
Episode aired on April 11, 2022
Season 7, Episode 139 – David Hawk, Part Two

David Hawk, 1985 NPC USA Champion and one of the most popular pro bodybuilders in the 1980’s, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of his interview, David talks about winning the 1985 NPC USA overall title over Matt Mendenhall and then winning his class at the 1985 IFBB World Games in London. He also talks about competing as an IFBB Pro in contests such as the Night of the Champions and the Pro World Championships in Columbus, Ohio. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Olympia ’81, Part 1” written by Rick Wayne from the February, 1982 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Episode aired on March 17, 2022
Season 7, Episode 138 – David Hawk, Part One

David Hawk, winner of the 1985 NPC USA and IFBB World Games, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, David talks about how he got started in bodybuilding while playing football in high school, competing in the teenage bodybuilding competitions and winning the Teenage Mr. America in 1982. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Dave Hawk Soars” by Jim Manion for the January, 1986 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Episode aired on March 10, 2022
Season 7, Episode 137 – John Citrone

John Citrone, one of Britain’s best bodybuilders, talks about his great career on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John took first place in his class at the prestigious NABBA Mr. Universe from 1966-1969. After retiring from the sport for many years, John made a comeback to competition as a Masters competitor, eventually winning the Masters World Championships 6x and the Masters Mr. Universe contest 5x. Today, at 78 years old, John is still in fantastic shape and he reveals his secrets for longevity and health in bodybuilding.
At the end of the Podcast, John reads the chapter about John Citrone from Bill Pearl’s Legends of the Iron Game, Vol. 3 and the article “The Wisdom of Gaspari” from the July, 1989 issue of Flex Magazine.
Episode aired on March 1st, 2022
Season 7, Episode 136 – Charles Gaines remembers George Butler

Charles Gaines, the author of the book Pumping Iron and Stay Hungry, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his friend and partner George Butler, who passed away last October 21st, 2021. George directed the movie “Pumping Iron” and also was the photographer of the book Pumping Iron. Charles talks about how he and George first met in 1972 on an assignment for an article about bodybuilding for Sports Illustrated magazine, the idea for the book Pumping Iron, meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger and the challenges in publishing the book and getting the movie made.
At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son Joseph Baena from the March, 2022 issue of Men’s Health magazine written by Andrew Heffenan. John also reads the article “Cutting Some Fancy Figures” written by Charles Gaines for the July 10, 1972 issue of Sports Illustrated magazine.
Episode aired on March 1, 2022
Season 7, Episode 135 – 1991 In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness magazine and IronMan Magazine, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview about the year 1991 In Review. Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the top amateur competitions from that year including the 1991 NPC USA Championships won by Mike Matarazzo, the 1991 IFBB North America won by Ray McNeil and the 1991 NPC Nationals won by Kevin Levrone and featuring an all star line-up of future champions. Jerry and John conclude the podcast by talking about the 1991 Mr. Olympia contest, won for the 8th time by Lee Haney. At the end of the podcast, John reads the article “An Interview with Lee Hayney, 1982 American World Champion” by Doris Barrilleaux from the April, 1983 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated magazine.
Episode aired on February 16, 2022
Season 7, Episode 134 – 1991 In Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness Magazine and IronMan Magazine, is the guest for this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Jerry and host John Hansen discuss the year 1991 in Bodybuilding. Included in the discussion in Part One is the 1991 IronMan Pro Invitational won by J.J. Marsh, the 1991 Arnold Classic won by Shawn Ray and the 1991 Night of the Champions won by Dorian Yates. At the beginning of the podcast, Jerry and John talk about the recent deaths of Tom Prince, 1997 NPC Nationals winner, and the legendary Marvin Eder who passed away last week at 90 years old.
Episode aired February 8th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 133 – Chris Dickerson Tribute with Boyer Coe, Roy Callender and Bill Neylon

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast devotes this episode as a tribute to the late Chris Dickerson who passed away on December 23rd, 2021. The guests for this tribute include 4x Mr. Universe and Mr. America Boyer Coe, Mr. Universe and Professional Mr. Universe Roy Callender and NPC judge Bill Neylon. Boyer, Roy and Bill share their memories of Chris. Boyer talks about competing with Chris back in the 1960’s, Roy remembers his battles with Chris on the Grand Prix circuit in 1980 and ’81 and Bill talks about what a gentleman Chris was with his fans. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Elegance is the Game, Dickerson’s the Name” written by Bill Reynolds and Armand Tanny for the January, 1980 issue of Muscle&Fitness magazine.
Episode aired on January 27, 2022
Season 7, Episode 132 – 1981 In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1981 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of his interview, Jerry joins host John Hansen to talk about the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest, one of the most controversial events in the history of bodybuilding in which Franco Columbu won his second Mr. Olympia title over Chris Dickerson, Tom Platz, Roy Callender and Danny Padilla. At the end of the podcast, John reads a chapter from the book Muscle Wars written by Rick Wayne called “The Greatest Booing Contest of All Time” about the 1981 Mr. Olympia.
Episode aired on January 19, 2022
Season 7, Episode 131 – 1981 In Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1981 in the world of Bodybuilding. In Part One of the interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the 1981 AAU Mr. America contest won by Tim Belknap from Rockford, Illinois, the 1981 IFBB Mr. Universe contest in which Lance Dreher from the USA won the heavyweight class and the 1981 NABBA Mr. Universe won by John Brown in the amateur class and Robby Robinson in the pro division. Jerry and John finish off their discussion talking about the IFBB Pro Grand Prix events in 1981 including the Night of the Champions won by Chris Dickerson. Jerry and John also talk about the WABBA organization promoted by Serge Nubret and the Pro World Cup won by Sergio Oliva. Finally, they talk about the spectacular shape achieved by Boyer Coe who won the World Cup Grand Prix in Montreal held after the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles from the October, 1981 issue of Muscle Builder magazine including the 1981 IFBB New England Grand Prix where Albert Beckles defeated Chris Dickerson written by John Balik and the 1981 Night of the Champions written by Roger Schwab. John also reads an article about Boyer Coe winning the World Cup Grand Prix written by Denie from the April, 1982 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated magazine.
Episode aired on January 12, 2022
Season 7, Episode 130 – 1971 In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview about the year 1971 In Review. In this episode, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the 1971 NABBA Mr. Universe in which Bill Pearl won his 4th and final Mr. Universe over Sergio Oliva and Reg Park. Then, Jerry and John discuss the 1971 Mr. Olympia contest in which Arnold Schwarzenegger won his second title unopposed because Sergio Oliva was suspended from competing that year. At the end of the podcast, John reads two articles about the 1971 NABBA Mr. Universe and the 1971 IFBB Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia.
Episode aired January 5th, 2022
Season 7, Episode 129 – 1971 In Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for our annual end of the year in review. On this episode, we go back 50 years to 1971 to review the major bodybuilding events from that year. In Part One of the episode, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the 1971 AAU Mr. America where Casey Viator won the contest at only 19 years old. Also discussed in this episode are the 1971 IFBB Mr. America where Ken Waller beat Boyer Coe for the title and the 1971 IFBB Mr. USA/Mr. World where Ed Corney and Franco Columbu won the overall titles. At the end of the episode, John reads an article from June, 1972 issue of Muscle Builder magazine about the 1971 IFBB Mr. USA and Mr. World contests.
Episode aired on December 25th, 2021
Season 7, Episode 128 – Steve Brisbois, Part Two

Steve Brisbois, former pro bodybuilder in the 1980’s and ’90’s, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. In this episode, Steve talks about the drug testing that was used for the 1990 Arnold Classic, competing in the 1992 Mr. Olympia in Helsinki, Finland and witnessing the death of Mohamed Benaziza during the Grand Prix tour in Europe following the Mr. Olympia, an event that caused Steve to retire from the sport of bodybuilding. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “The Tail End of the Comet” written by Dick Tyler from the July, 1969 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode aired December 22, 2021
Season 7, Episode 127 – Steve Brisbois, Part One

Steve Brisbois, 1986 IFBB Amateur World Champion in the Bantamweight Class, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Steve talks about when he started competing in bodybuilding and his rapid rise to international competition. Steve was the only bantamweight competitor in history to win an overall national championship when he won the Canadian Nationals in 1986. Steve also talks about winning the IFBB Mr. Universe in the bantamweight class that same year as a natural bodybuilder. Finally, Steve talks about competing against the big boys in the professional competitions and the drug testing at the 1990 Arnold Classic. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article written by Frank Zane for the August, 1980 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine about his preparations to win his fourth Mr. Olympia contest that year.
Episode aired 12/15/21
Season 7, Episode 126 – Rick Newcombe

Rick Newcombe, author of the new book The Magic of Lifting Weights, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Rick talks about his experiences of working with some of the legends of bodybuilding including Franco Columbu, Frank Zane, Arnold Schwarzenegger and his time spent as a training partner of Bertil Fox. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “The IFBB Celebrates a Super Anniversary!”, the contest report of the 1970 IFBB Mr. Olympia/Mr. World/Mr. America contest written by Rick Wayne for the April/May 1971 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine.
Episode aired on December 7th, 2021
Season 7, Episode 125 – Ed Connors and Tim Kimber – Gold’s Gym in the ’80s

Ed Connors and Tim Kimber, two of the owners of Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s, talk about how they acquired the gym and made it into the biggest gym empire in the world. Ed and Tim also talk about how much Hollywood and the media loved bodybuilding in the ’80’s, the start of Women’s Bodybuilding and how they created the great atmosphere of Gold’s Gym. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “You Are Dave Draper” from the August-September, 1980 issue of IronMan Magazine as a tribute to Dave Draper who passed away on November 30, 2021.
Episode aired on December 1st, 2021
Season 7, Episode 124 – Jerry Brainum and Phil Williams talk about recent deaths in Bodybuilding

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, and Phil Williams, 1985 NPC Nationals champion, are the guests on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of their interview, Jerry and Phil continue their discussion about all the recent deaths in the world of bodybuilding and what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the April, 1980 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine “The Two Faces of Lou Ferrigno” written by Bill Reynolds.
Episode aired on November 16, 2021
Season 7, Episode 123 – RIP Shawn Rhoden, Mr. Olympia

2018 Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden passed away on November 6th, 2021 at the age of 46. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine and Phil Williams, 1985 NPC Nationals overall winner, discuss the tragic passing of Shawn and his legacy as a bodybuilder. Jerry and Phil also talk about some of the other recent deaths in the bodybuilding world. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article “Arnold: Life With and Without Steroids” written by Armand Tanny from the August, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Episode recorded on November 9th, 2021
Season 7, Episode 122 – Jose Raymond – 2021 Mr. Olympia Predictions

Former 212 Pro Bodybuilder Jose Raymond makes his predictions for the 2021 Mr. Olympia contest in the 212 Bodybuilding and Classic Physique divisions in Part 2 of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Jose talks about the potential of Derek Lunsford winning the 212 Bodybuilding division over reigning champ Shaun Clarida. Then Jose makes his predictions for the Classic Physique Olympia. Will Chris Bumstead win his third title easily or will he face competition from newcomers like Bryan Jones and Robert Timms as well as top contenders like Terrence Ruffin and Alex Cambronero? At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Arnold: His Life and Good Times” written by Armand Tanny from the June, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 121 – Dan Solomon talks about 2021 Mr. Olympia

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast features two interviews this week. Jose Raymond, one of the best 212 Pro Bodybuilders in the sport, gives his predictions for the 2021 Arnold Classic and the Mr. Olympia contest. In Part One of his interview, Jose talks about the favorites for the two big professional contests of the year and then offers his picks for the top placings. In the second part of the show, Mr. Olympia President Dan Solomon previews this years Mr. Olympia, taking place in Orlando, Florida from October 7th-10th, 2021. Dan talks about the changes this year to the Expo, the stage design, the press conference and the Pay-Per-View broadcast. Dan also remembers the legendary writer Peter McGough who passed away at the end of last year. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the April-May, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine called “Close Encounters of the 5th Kind” written by Armand Tanny about the winning career of Kal Szkalak, 1977 IFBB Heavyweight Mr. Universe.
Season 7, Episode 120 – Lee Haney, Rich Gaspari, Lee Labrada and Shawn Ray

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is proud to feature an all-star line-up of Bodybuilding legends including 8x Mr. Olympia Lee Haney, 1989 Arnold Classic Champ Rich Gaspari, 2x Mr. Olympia Runner-up Lee Labrada and 1991 Arnold Classic Champion Shawn Ray all together to discuss the upcoming 2021 Mr. Olympia in which they will all be featured commentators at the event. They also talk about which Mr. Olympia contests inspired them when they were young, how important posing is in competition and what was their favorite Mr. Olympia contest that they competed in.
Season 7, Episode 119 – Tony Pearson, Tom Terwilliger and Phil Williams, Part Two

In Part Two of their interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guests Tony Pearson, Tom Terwilliger and Phil Williams talk about their experiences of turning pro in the 1980’s, competing in their favorite pro contest, the art of posing and the differences between bodybuilding in the ’80’s compared to today. At the beginning of the podcast, host John Hansen talks about the recent passing of bodybuilder Matt Mendenhall, the news that bodybuilding legend Leon Brown has terminal cancer and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s response to his “Screw your freedom” comment. At the end of the podcast, John reads an article about Matt Mendenhall written by Jeff Everson for the July, 1984 issue of Flex Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 118 – Tony Pearson, Tom Terwilliger and Phil Williams, Part One

This episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast features three great champions from the 1980’s including Tony Pearson, 1978 AAU Mr. America, Tom Terwilliger, 1986 NPC Nationals Light Heavyweight Champion, and Phil Williams, 1985 NPC Nationals overall winner. In Part One of their interview, Tony, Tom and Phil talk about their bodybuilding careers during the 1980’s including the amateur competitions that led to their professional careers and some of the struggles they faced in climbing the ladder in the world of bodybuilding. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “The Unhappiest Mr. America” about Tony Pearson winning the 1978 AAU Mr. America contest written by Rick Wayne for the February, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 117 – Marc Martinez, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Marc Martinez talks about the interviews he conducted in putting together his documentary “Dream Big” about the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. Marc also talks about the challenges of making a movie and when the movie will be released. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the May, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder magazine titled “I’ll Win Mr. Olympia a Third Time – Here’s Why” written by Frank Zane.
Season 7, Episode 116 – Marc Martinez, Part One

Marc Martinez, director of the upcoming documentary “Dream Big” joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his new movie in Part One of his interview. Marc explains what got him interested in bodybuilding when he was a teenager and some of the memories of Gold’s Gym in the 1970’s and his inspiration for making a documentary about the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the contest report of the 1978 Mr. Olympia contest written by Rick Wayne from the February, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 115 – Lee Haney and Roy Callender

Lee Haney, 8x Mr. Olympia, and Roy Callender, one of the top pro bodybuilders in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, are the guests on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Roy and Lee talk about the training strategies that allowed them to build their legendary physiques, what today’s bodybuilders are doing wrong in their training and how important it is to create iconic poses. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the September, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder magazine called “The Winnah!” written by Bill Reynolds about Roy Callender after he won the 1979 Pro Mr. Universe in Australia.
Season 7, Episode 114 – Mike Mentzer Tribute – John Little, Part Two

Bodybuilding Legend Mike Mentzer passed away 20 years ago on June 10th, 2001 at the age of 49. In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, author John Little continues his discussion about the life and legacy of this bodybuilding legend. John talks about the pro bodybuilding career of Mentzer, including his two Mr. Olympia appearances in 1979 and 1980. John also talks about Mike’s addiction to speed, how he lost everything at one point of his life and his resurrection from his addiction. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads “The Thinking Man’s Bodybuilder”, an article about Mike Mentzer written by Jack Neary for the October, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 113 – Mike Mentzer Tribute – John Little, Part One

Mike Mentzer passed away on June 10, 2001. To remember the passing of this bodybuilding legend on the 20th anniversary of his death, author and film maker John Little joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to discuss the life of Mike Mentzer. In Part One of his interview, John talks about the competitive career of Mike Mentzer from 1970-1980. Included in this interview is the 1971 AAU Mr. America won by 19 year old Casey Viator, the 1976 IFBB Mr. America won by Mike Mentzer, the 1976 IFBB Mr. Universe held in Montreal, Canada, the 1977 IFBB Mr. North America, losing the 1977 Mr. Universe to Kal Szkalak and the 1978 IFBB Mr. Universe where Mike scored a perfect 300. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen read the article about the 1976 IFBB American Bodybuilding Championships written by Jack Neary for the January, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 112 – Chris Dickerson Update with Anibal Lopez and Bill Neylon

Anibal Lopez, former WBBG Mr. America, and Bill Neylon, NPC Florida judge and competitor, join the podcast to talk about their friend Chris Dickerson. Chris has been confined to a nursing home for the last year after breaking his hip and suffering a heart attak.. Anibal and Bill, along with some other friends of Chris, went to visit him a couple weeks to cheer him. Both Anibal and Bill give an update on Chris’s health and his prognosis for the future. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “The 1980 Olympia Report” written by Jack Neary for the February, 1981 issue.
Season 7, Episode 111 – Who Looked the Best in the Mandatory Poses, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, Tom Terwilliger and Phil Williams discuss the topic of “Who Looked the Best in the Mandatory Poses” during the Golden Age of Bodybuilding (from the 1960’s to the 1980’s). In Part Two of the interview, Jerry, Tom, Phil and host John Hansen look at the Rear Double Biceps, the Rear Lat Spread, the Overhead Abdominal Pose and the Most Muscular Pose and make their choices of the bodybuilder who looked the best in each pose.
Season 7, Episode 110 – Who Looked the Best in the Mandatory Poses, Part One

Jerry Brainum, Tom Terwilliger and Phil Williams join host John Hansen to discuss which Golden Age Bodybuilder (1960’s to 1980’s) looked the Best in the Mandatory Poses? In Part One of the interview, Jerry, Tom, Phil and John look at the Front Double Biceps, Front Lat Spread, Side Chest and Side Triceps poses and pick their favorite bodybuilder for each pose.
Season 7, Episode 109 – Alq Gurley

1990 NPC Nationals Champion Alq Gurley joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his bodybuilding career. Alq talks about how he started training for bodybuilding, his first bodybuilding competitions and his rapid rise to the top of the national amateur bodybuilding scene and his career as a professional bodybuilder during the 1990’s. Alq also discusses the change in bodybuilding towards the mass monsters in the 1990’s and his reason for retiring. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Belknap Wins Mr. America” by Dave Sauer from the November, 1981 issue of IronMan Magazine and “How I Saw the Mr. Olympia and the Top Six Men” by Steven Robinson from the March, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 108 – Glenn Knerr and Larry Bernstein, Part Two

John Hansen interviews Glenn Knerr, 1986 AAU Mr. America and Mr. World, and Larry Bernstein, 1983 Mr. America and Mr. World – Short Class, for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of their interview, Glenn and Larry continue their discussion about bodybuilding in the 1970’s and ’80’s including their memories of meeting some of the iconic bodybuilders of their generation including Lance Dreher, Frank Zane, Boyer Coe and Mohamed Makkawy. Glenn and Larry also talk about what it was like to compete against 1981 AAU Mr. America Tim Belknap. At the end of the podcast, John reads the article “Tim Belknap – The New Hercules” by Franklin Page from the May, 1981 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 107 – Glenn Knerr and Larry Bernstein, Part One

John Hansen interview 1986 AAU Mr. America Glenn Knerr and 1983 AAU Mr. America – Short Class winner Larry Bernstein about Bodybuilding in the 1980’s. Glenn and Larry reminisce about competing in bodybuilding in the 1970’s and ’80’s in the Chicago area before working their way up to the top of the national level (17:33). They also talk about competing as teenagers, what made them get started in bodybuilding and some of the legendary bodybuilders they met during their years of competing. At the end of the Podcast, John reads the article “How I Lost the Mr. Universe (and What It Taught Me)” written by Mike Mentzer from the October, 1987 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine (1:07:30). John also reads emails from last week’s interview with Charlotte Parker (04:31).
Season 7, Episode 106 – Charlotte Parker

Charlotte Parker, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personal Public Relations Manager, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about how she managed Arnold’s film career during his peak years in Hollywood. Charlotte talks about working with Arnold and how she believed that he could be the biggest movie star in the world. Charlotte started promoting Arnold with the film “Conan the Destroyer” (1984) and “The Terminator” (1984) and she was instrumental in creating the iconic image that made him the biggest movie star in the world. Charlotte also talks about her working relationship with Joe and Betty Weider and Joe Gold and his promotion of World Gym. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an excerpt from the revised edition of the book Pumping Iron about the year 1980 in Bodybuilding.
Season 7, Episode 105 – John DeCola, Part Two

1969 IFBB Mr. America John DeCola joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. In this segment, John talks about competing in masters competitions, the difference in the size of the competitors from 1969 to 1970, how he modified his workouts and diet as he got older and judging the 1970 Mr. Olympia contest. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1970 issue of Muscle Builder magazine written by Rick Wayne about the 1969 IFBB Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia competitions.
Season 7, Episode 104 – John DeCola, Part One

1969 IFBB Mr. America winner John DeCola is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his bodybuilding career. In Part One of his interview, John talks about how he started bodybuilding after high school and the training and diet program he followed when he started bodybuilding. John also talks about his experiences of competing in the AAU competitions before switching over to the IFBB, standing onstage with bodybuilding legends like Frank Zane, Don Howorth, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva and the role of steroids in bodybuilding during the 1960’s. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article titled “Frank Zane’s Amazing Deltoid-Training Blitz” written by Jack Neary from the July, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 103 – Jack Neary, Part Two

Jack Neary, former writer for Muscle Builder magazine, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about writing for the magazine in the late 1970’s. In Part Two of his interview, Jack talks about some of the bodybuilders he met while working for the magazine including Kal Szkalak, Robby Robinson, Lou Ferrigno and Frank Zane. Jack also talks about the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest in which he wrote one of the best contest reports written about that particular event for Muscle & Fitness Magazine. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles from Jack Neary from Muscle Builder magazine, the first one is a profile piece about Robby Robinson and the second is a flash report of the 1979 Night of the Champions won by Robby Robinson over Danny Padilla.
Season 7, Episode 102 – Jack Neary, Part One

Jack Neary, one of the best writers for Muscle Builder/Power magazine, talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his memorable years working for the magazine. Jack relates stories of hanging out with Arnold Schwarzenegger, working for Joe Weider, his friendship with Mike Mentzer and what really happened when Kal Szkalak took some of his photos out of Joe Weider’s office. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles from the July, 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine, “Santa wore a Robby Robinson T-Shirt” written by Rick Wayne and “Blood is Thicker than Water” written by Jack Neary.
Season 7, Episode 101 – Tony Pearson and Phil Williams on George Turner

1978 AAU Mr. America Tony Pearson and 1985 NPC Nationals Champion Phil Williams join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to reminisce about the legendary gym owner George Turner from St. Louis. Tony and Phil both trained under George when they started training as teens and they have lots of stories to share of working out with George at his gym. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article about Tony Pearson’s seminar from the June, 1979 issue of Muscular Development magazine.
Season 7, Episode 100 – Mike “The Ripper” Sable

Mike “The Zipper” Sable is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his wild career in Bodybuilding. Mike explains how he started training at Valencia Health Club in California with the goal of competing in bodybuilding. Mike discusses his many experiences competing in several bodybuilding organizations including the AAU, the AFAB, WABBA and NABBA. He recalls some fun stories of guest posing overseas at the peak of his bodybuilding career and how he got the nickname “The Zipper”.
Season 7, Episode 99 – Jerry Brainum, 1990 In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1990 in Bodybuilding. Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the drug tested NPC USA and NPC Nationals Championships, including the winners Aaron Baker and Alq Gurley. Jerry also talks about the potential of Edgar Fletcher and meeting a drug free Ronnie Coleman at the 1990 NPC Nationals. Finally, Jerry and John discuss the 1990 Mr. Olympia, the only drug-tested Mr. Olympia in history, including the reason the IFBB decided not to drug test any more contests and the impact the WBF had on Joe Weider and the IFBB.
Season 7, Episode 98 – Jerry Brainum, 1990 In Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1990 in Bodybuilding. Included in the discussion is the decision of the IFBB to drug test the major professional contests that year, the inaugural 1990 IronMan Pro Invitational, the 1990 Arnold Classic and the 1990 Night of the Champions contest. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article about 1974 AAU Mr. America winner Ron Thompson called “The Mr. America Struggle” from the November, 1974 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 97 – Jerry Brainum 1980 Year In Review, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the year 1980 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of the interview, Jerry talks about the 1980 Mr. America contest won by Gary Leonard, the 1980 IFBB Mr. Universe contest held in the Philippines and the Night of the Champions contest won that year by Chris Dickerson. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the 1980 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Another Viewpoint of the Night of the Warriors” written by photographer Steve Robinson about the 1980 Night of the Champions contest.
Season 7, Episode 96 – Peter McGough Tribute

The Bodybuilding Legends Podcast pays tribute to Peter McGough (1949-2020), the great writer and bodybuilding historian who was the editor-in-chief of Flex Magazine. Peter passed away on December 29th, 2020 after a long battle with cancer. Included in this episode are clips of interviews with Peter from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Peter talks about how he started his own bodybuilding publication called Pumping Press in England, his memories of watching the NABBA Mr. Universe competitions in 1970 and 1971, working for Joe Weider during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding, the importance of bodybuilding magazines and why today’s bodybuilders should concentrate more on developing better posing routines.
Season 7, Episode 95 – Jerry Brainum Reviews 1980 in Bodybuilding – 1980 Mr. Olympia

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the year 1980 in Bodybuilding. Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest where Arnold Schwarzenegger won his 7th Mr. Olympia after a five year layoff. Jerry and John talk about all the competitor’s in that historic event as well as the backstage events that occurred including the heated competitors meeting and the selection of the judges. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article about all of the competitors in the 1970 AAU Mr. America contest won by Chris Dickerson from the September, 1970 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 94 – Jerry Brainum Reviews 1970 in Bodybuilding, Part Two

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to continue his discussion about the year 1970 in Bodybuilding. Included in Part Two of his interview is the 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe where Frank Zane won the Amateur division and Arnold Schwarzenegger won the Pro category. Jerry also talks about the 1970 Mr. Olympia in which Arnold beat out Sergio Oliva for the title. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the 1970 issue of IronMan Magazine about the 1970 AAU Mr. America where Chris Dickerson won the overall title.
Season 7, Episode 93 – Jerry Brainum 1970 Year in Review, Part One

Jerry Brainum, former writer for Joe Weider’s Muscle & Fitness Magazine and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1970 in Bodybuilding. Jerry talks about the 1970 AAU Mr. America where Chris Dickerson became the first African-American bodybuilder to win the title. Jerry also talks about the impact of 18 year old Casey Viator taking third place at the 1970 Mr. America. Finally, Jerry discusses the 1970 AAU Mr. World contest in Columbus, Ohio where Arnold Schwarzenegger first defeated his rival Sergio Oliva.
Season 7, Episode 92 – Jose Raymond, Part Two

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Jose Raymond joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview about the upcoming 2020 Mr. Olympia competition. Jose starts off talking about the other contenders for the 212 Olympia before offering his predictions for the Mr. Olympia contest. Jose talks about the impact of Phil Heath competing again in the Mr. Olympia and his chances of winning his 8th Mr. Olympia title. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article “Mr. Olympia Revisited” about the 1976 Mr. Olympia contest from the January, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder magazine.
Season 7, Episode 91 – Jose Raymond, Part One

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Jose Raymond joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the upcoming 2020 Mr. Olympia competition. Jose and host John Hansen talk about the 212 and the Classic Physique divisions in Part One of his interview. Jose and John discuss who is favored to win the Classic Physique Olympia, the judging criteria for Classic Physique, the power of great posing routines and the favorites for the 212 Olympia. At the end of the Podcast, John reads an article from the March, 1978 issue of IronMan Magazine about Chet Yorton who just passed away last month from a heart attack.
Season 7, Episode 90 – Dan Solomon on the 2020 Mr. Olympia

The President of the Mr. Olympia competition, Dan Solomon, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the upcoming competition to be held December 17-20, 2020 in Orlando, Florida. Dan talks about the difficult decision to move bodybuilding’s biggest event from Las Vegas to Orlando, Florida with only 5 weeks to go. Dan talks about the details of the 2020 Olympia weekend including the Pay-Per-View broadcast. Dan also shares the memory of his first Mr. Olympia contest and how he feels about Mr. Olympia predictions. At the end of the Podcast, John Hansen reads an excerpt from Rick Wayne’s book Muscle Wars about Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva in the years 1967-1968.
Season 7, Episode 89 – Mario Nieves, Part Two

Mario Nieves, 1977 AAU Jr. Mr. America winner, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. Mario talks about his decision not to use drugs for most of his bodybuilding career, how he started up his motorcycle club over the world and his stories about appearing in movies like “Code of Silence”, “Above the Law” and “The Color of Money” and working with actors Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, Tom Cruise and Paul Newman.
Season 7, Episode 88 – Mario Nieves, Part One

1977 AAU Jr. Mr. America Mario Nieves talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his career in bodybuilding. Mario talks about how he started bodybuilding after moving to Chicago from Puerto Rico, training with the great Sergio Oliva at the Duncan YMCA, developing his physique without using steroids and how Arnold Schwarzenegger compared to Sergio when they were in their prime in part one of his interview. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article about Mario from the July, 1978 issue of IronMan Magazine after Mario won the Jr. Mr. America title in 1977.
Season 7, Episode 87 – Tom Terwilliger and Joey Fulco, Part Two

Tom Terwilliger and Joey Fulco join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of their interview. Tom and Joey talk about what they would have changed if they could go back in time and compete again, Joey talks about his daughter making the finals of the TV show “The Voice”, the drugs Serge Nubret used to get ripped and both of the guys talk about the Golden Age of Bodybuilding compared to today’s Bodybuilding scene.
Season 7, Episode 86 – Tom Terwilliger and Joey Fulco, Part One

Tom Terwilliger and Joey Fulco return to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast in Part One of their interview to reminisce about training at the hardcore bodybuilding gyms as teenagers. Tom and Joey talk about competing in the teenage bodybuilding competitions in the 1970’s, being mentored by legends such as Steve Michalik and Tony Pandolfo and what drove them to be champions.
Season 7, Episode 85 – Dwayne Broadway

Dwayne Broadway talks about his long bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dwayne explains how he got into bodybuilding at a young age and started competing successfully as a teenage bodybuilder, beating out top champions like John DeFendis, Tom Terwilliger and Casey Kucharyk. Dwayne also talks about his decision to never use steroids and remain natural through his bodybuilding career, eventually competing the WNBF organization and winning his pro card after winning the Natural Mr. America and Natural Mr. Universe.
Season 7, Episode 84 – Ed Connors and Mel Chancey, Part Two

In part two of their interview for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Ed Connors and Mel Chancey talk about golden age of bodybuilding from Gold’s Gym in the early 1990’s. Ed and Mel talk about the marketing genius of Rich Piana, the time when Mike Matarazzo and Flex Wheeler almost came to blows at Gold’s Gym, why hardcore training is missing from the bodybuilding community today and the Rock’s new docudrama about Mel’s life.
Season 7, Episode 83 – Ed Connors and Mel Chancey, Part One

Ed Connors, former owner of Gold’s Gym, Venice, California, and Mel Chancey, former leader of the Hell’s Angels in Chicago, join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about when they met in the early 1990’s at Gold’s Gym in Part One of their interview. Ed and Mel reminisce about meeting Mike Matarazzo, the intense atmosphere at Gold’s Gym in the ’90’s and all the great talent in pro bodybuilding during those years. Mel also talks about his friendship with Hulk Hogan and appearing on the HBO television show “Oz” in 2001-2002.
Season 7, Episode 82 – Dan Morrow

1980’s Teenage Bodybuilding Champion Dan Morrow is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his teenage bodybuilding career. Dan talks about how he started lifting weights at 14 years old in Pennsylvania and started competing in bodybuilding competitions at 17 years old. Dan also talks about meeting Bob Gruskin, competing and training with Jeff King and his thoughts on competing in the 1980 Teenage Mr. America and Teenage Mr. USA.
Season 7, Episode 81 – John Taylor

1980 Teenage Mr. USA John Taylor talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his career in bodybuilding. John talks about how he started bodybuilding while wrestling in high school, meeting Bob Gruskin and training at Steve Michalik’s gym in New York. John also talks about being coached by 1969 Mr. America Jon DeCola and competing against Jeff King and Paul Jean-Guillaume at the 1980 Teenage Mr. USA contest.
Season 7, Episode 80 – Dr. Ellington Darden

Dr. Ellington Darden joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his bodybuilding career in the 1960’s and ’70’s as well as his 20 year working relationship with Arthur Jones for Nautilus. Dr. Darden talks about meeting at 17 year old Boyer Coe in 1964, training with Casey Viator at the Nautilus headquarters in Florida, how to determine genetics in bodybuilding and what it was like working for Arthur Jones for 20 yeas.
Season 7, Episode 79 – Vinny Galanti

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Vinny Galanti talks about his extensive bodybuilding career on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Vinny explains how he got involved in bodybuilding at a young age and his experience of training at a hardcore bodybuilding gym in the 1980’s. Vinny started competing as a teenager and was successful at the national level before finally earning his pro card at the 2008 NPC Masters Nationals. Vinny also explains how he had to modify his workouts when he got into his 50’s and how those changes have helped him to improve his physique better than ever.
Season 7, Episode 78 – Ric Drasin Tribute

Jerry Brainum and Bill Grant join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about their friend Ric Drasin who passed away on August 30, 2020. Jerry and Bill talk about training at Gold’s Gym with Ric back in the 1970’s, Ric’s interviews with the legends of bodybuilding on his YouTube show Ric’s Corner and Ric’s artistic ability.
Season 7, Episode 77 – Boyer Coe and Roy Callender

Two legends of Bodybuilding, Boyer Coe and Roy Callender, join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the years when they competed against each other in the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. Boyer and Roy met at the 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe in London when Boyer Coe won the overall amateur title and Roy took second in the medium height class. Boyer and Roy talk about their experience of competing in the NABBA Mr. Universe in London and making the move to the IFBB in the late 1970’s. They also reminisce about some of the bodybuilding legends who have passed away including Mike Mentzer, Franco Columbu and Ed Corney and which contest meant the most to them in their bodybuilding careers.
Season 7, Episode 76 – Barbara Outland Baker

Barbara Outland, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first girlfriend when he arrived in the United States, talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about her 6 year relationship with the bodybuilding legend. Barbara wrote a book about her relationship with Arnold called Arnold and Me (2006) and she recounts meeting Arnold in 1969, living with him during the period of his life as the best bodybuilder in the world and their eventual break-up when Arnold began his movie career in 1975 with the filming of “Stay Hungry”. Barbara also talks about Arnold’s complicated relationship with his father and brother and how that affected his drive to be the best bodybuilder in the world and the best and worst things about his magnetic personality.
Season 7, Episode 75 – Ed Connors, Rich Gaspari and Jay Cutler

Former owner of Gold’s Gym, Ed Connors, talks to two of his former house guests on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Rich Gaspari, 3x Runner-up at the Mr. Olympia and the first Arnold Classic winner, and Jay Cutler, 4x Mr. Olympia, talk about the experience of staying at Ed’s guest house in California as they were trying to launch their bodybuilding careers. Rich and Jay talk about training at Gold’s Gym during the ’80’s and ’90’s and what opportunities they were able to obtain by being in California during the beginning of their bodybuilding careers.
Season 7, Episode 74 – Dave McVeigh, Film Editor of “Raw Iron”

Dave McVeigh, the writer and editor of the film “Raw Iron”, a documentary about the movie “Pumping Iron”, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dave was able to view all 100 hours of the unseen footage from “Pumping Iron” and he talks about the footage that was never seen. Dave also talks about working closely with Arnold Schwarzenegger in making “Raw Iron”, what was left out of the finished version of “Pumping Iron” and if there was anything controversial that was filmed but was never shown.
Season 7, Episode 73 – Ed Connors

Ed Connors, one of the owners of Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Ed, along with Pete Grymkowski and Tim Kimber, owned Gold’s Gym during the 1980’s when bodybuilding was at its peak. Ed talks about how they changed the business model for gyms and what it was like to run Gold’s Gym during the ’80’s. Ed also talks about some of the famous house guests that he helped find a career in the fitness and pro wrestling industry including John Cena, Lee Priest, Jay Cutler and Mike Matarazzo.
Season 7, Episode 72 – Gerard Dente

Gerard Dente, top amateur bodybuilder and owner of MHP Supplements, talks about his time competing during the very competitive years of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Gerard talks about how he started competing in bodybuilding competitions after playing football in high school, eventually winning the NPC Teenage Nationals and Collegiate Nationals. Gerard also talks about competing against the best amateur bodybuilders of his era including Flex Wheeler, Kevin Levrone, Chris Cormier, Paul DeMayo, Craig Titus, Phil Herndon and Tom Prince. Finally, Gerard explains why he started his own supplement company after he stopped competing and how he has ran a successful business for over 20 years.
Season 7, Episode 71 – 1980 Mr. Olympia Interviews

To celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, we look back at the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest, one of the most controversial competitions of all time. Host John Hansen interviews several of the competitors who competed in the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest, including Boyer Coe, Chris Dickerson, Frank Zane, Roy Callender, Samir Bannout, Roy Duval and Roger Walker, to find out their opinions on what really happened at the 1980 Mr. Olympia, who they felt should have won and the famous backstage argument between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mike Mentzer.
Season 7, Episode 70 – John Little, Part Two

Author and former Flex Magazine writer John Little talks about Mike Mentzer and Bruce Lee on Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about why Mike Mentzer decided to walk away from his bodybuilding career after the 1980 Mr. Olympia and what Bodybuilding meant to him. John also discusses what Dorian Yates success meant to Mike Mentzer and their relationship. In the final part of the interview, John talks about Bruce Lee and how he used bodybuilding training to improve his physique and his power in martial arts. John also relates some stories about Bruce Lee’s amazing ability in regards to his speed and power as told to him by former friends and sparring partners of Bruce.
Season 7, Episode 69 – John Little, Part One

Author and former Flex Magazine writer John Little is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, John talks about the life and bodybuilding career of Mike Mentzer. Mike passed away 19 years ago on June 10, 2001 and his influence on the world of bodybuilding is still talked about today. John relates the story of how he met Mike at a bodybuilding seminar in Toronto in 1980, about six months before the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest. John also talks about Mike’s bodybuilding career, his training philosophy that changed the way bodybuilders trained and the role of genetics in being successful at bodybuilding.
Season 7, Episode 68 – Peter McGough

Former Editor-in-Chief of Flex Magazine Peter McGough is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Peter talks about the legacy of the Mr. Olympia and who was the best Mr. Olympia winner. Peter also shares his memories of the early 1990’s when he was the editor of Flex Magazine, a period in the sport when a new generation of great bodybuilders were all competing at once.
Season 7, Episode 67 – Walter van den Branden

Walter van den Branden from the Netherlands was a judge with the IFBB from 1977 to 2009. In his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Walter talks about meeting some of the great legends in Bodybuilding including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Pearl, Frank Zane, Reg Park, Steve Reeves and Boyer Coe. Walter also talks about some of the memorable bodybuilding competitions he judged including the 1977 IFBB Mr. Universe with Kal Szkalak and Mike Mentzer, the 1978 IFBB Mr. Universe with Mike Mentzer and Jusup Wilkosz and the 1979, 1982 and 1983 Mr. Olympia contests. Walter and John also discuss how bodybuilding has changed over the years with more of an emphasis on mass and less on symmetry.
Season 7, Episode 66 – Lee Haney and Rich Gaspari talk about training together

8x Mr. Olympia Lee Haney is joined by his former training partner and 1989 Arnold Classic champion Rich Gaspari to talk about the year 1984 when they trained together. Lee was training to win his first Mr. Olympia contest and Rich was trying to win his class at the NPC Nationals and Amateur World Championships in order to turn professional. Both Lee and Rich were successful in reaching their goals in 1984 so they talk about how they trained and dieted that year. Rich explains how he had to change his proportions to go from a blocky heavyweight to a more proportionate light heavyweight competitor. Lee also discusses why he choose Rich for a training partner and what each of them were able to bring to the other one to have such a successful partnership. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the July, 1983 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Lee Haney, World Champion” written by Garry Bartlett.
Season 7, Episode 65 – Tom Terwilliger and Shawn Ray on Posing

Tom Terwilliger and Shawn Ray are the guests on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the art of Posing in Bodybuilding. Shawn talks about his most memorable posing routines and how he developed them and Tom talks about his experience of getting standing ovations at professional bodybuilding competitions from his performances. Shawn and Tom also talk about how the iconic posing routines from the 1980’s are sadly missing from today’s bodybuilding competitions.
Season 7, Episode 64 – Tom Terwilliger on Posing

Former IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Tom Terwilliger talks about the art of posing on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Tom relates the story of how he was inspired to be a great bodybuilder by the posing of Ed Corney in 1977 and then explains about some of the great posing routines from the best bodybuilders of the 1980’s. Finally, Tom goes into detail about how he created his memorable posing routine at the 1989 Mr. Olympia contest and the impact this routine had on his career. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an interview with director Arthur Allan Seidelman, the director of Arnold’s first movie “Hercules in New York” (1970) from the Huffington Post newspaper in 2014.
Season 7, Episode 63 – Robert Nailon

Historic Bodybuilding Photographer Robert Nailon is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Robert met and took pictures of some of the most famous bodybuilders from the Golden Age including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Frank Zane, Dave Draper, Larry Scott, Bill Pearl, Serge Nubret, Sergio Oliva and Danny Padilla. Robert talks about some of the experiences he had hanging out and training with some of the most iconic bodybuilders in history. Robert also talks about his first hand experience of being an official photographer at the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest in Sydney, Australia. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the Muscle Mag Annual 79/80 called “Arnold Came to Dinner” written by Robert Nailon the chronicles the time he spent with Arnold during his visits to Australia.
Season 7, Episode 62 – Jerry Brainum, Part Two

Bodybuilding writer and nutrition expert Jerry Brainum is the guest for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. Jerry talks about why heavy training is so important for building muscle that lasts (07:40), the Most Iconic Bodybuilding Photos in history (20:43), how did Tom Platz develop the best legs ever in bodybuilding (29:50), what exercises can actually change your bone structure (47:30) and how you can tell if you have the genetic potential for bodybuilding (52:55). John and Jerry also reminisce about the 1970’s and ’80’s when social distancing did not exist (1:11:00). At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads an excerpt from the revised edition of the book Pumping Iron in which the author Charles Gaines writes about Arnold winning the 1980 Mr. Olympia (1:27:12).
Season 7, Episode 61 – Jerry Brainum, Part One

Jerry Brainum is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, Jerry talks about training at home during the Coronavirus quarantine, the best exercises to build the calves and why it’s so important to weight train as we get older. Jerry and John Hansen also talk about some iconic bodybuilding photos before they get into a discussion of the best way to build muscle mass. Does heavy training using 6-12 reps work the best or can training with lighter weights and high volume give the same results? Finally, Jerry talks about why over production of insulin secretion makes you fatter.
Season 7, Episode 60 – Bob Gruskin Tribute

On April 14th, 2020, the respected and legendary bodybuilding coach Bob Gruskin passed away. As a tribute to Bob and all the amazing bodybuilders he helped with their careers, the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast talks to four bodybuilding champions who were influenced and coached by Bob Gruskin. Host John Hansen talks to Tom Terwilliger, former IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, John DeFendis, 1988 NPC USA Champion, Jerry Scalesse, 1987 NABBA Mr. Universe winner and Richard Politano as they pay tribute to the man who helped them so much with their lives and their careers.
Season 7, Episode 59 – Francis Benfatto, Part 2

Francis Benfatto talks about his pro career in bodybuilding for Part Two of his interview for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Francis relates his experience competing in the Mr. Olympia from 1989-1991, especially the 1990 Mr. Olympia where he took sixth place. Francis also talks about his comeback into competition in 2006 and his greatest setback when he tore his pec. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads the 1985 Mr. Olympia report written by Bill Reynolds in the February, 1986 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 58 – Francis Benfatto, Part One

Francis Benfatto had one of the most aesthetic and beautiful physiques in Bodybuilding. In Part One of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Francis explains how he got into bodybuilding and some of his early competitions. Francis also talks about the training and nutrition programs he used to add muscle to his frame in order to start winning competitions. Francis also talks about competing in the IFBB Mr. Universe contest against Lee Labrada and competing in his first pro show, the 1988 Night of the Champions in New York. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads an excerpt from Rick Wayne’s book The Bodymen where Rick interviews Frank Zane, Franco Columbu and Arnold Schwarzenegger shortly after the 1975 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7, Episode 57 – Phil Williams, Part Two

1995 NPC Nationals winner Phil Williams talks about the training routine that made him a champion in Part Two of his interview for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Phil talks about the different training partners he had when he trained at Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s and what type of training worked for him. Phil also talks about turning 60 this year, his decision to move out of the Venice, California area, the recent passing of his mother and some surprising facts about his background. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles from some of old IronMan Magazines. The first is from the March, 1979 issue about Dave Johns written by David Shaw and the second is from the September, 1983 issue about Lance Dreher, written by Jim Marchand.
Season 7, Episode 56 – Phil Williams, Part One

1985 NPC Nationals winner Phil Williams is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about a variety of topics. Phil talks about the training partners he had when he trained at Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s including Chris Dickerson, Samir Bannout, Mike Christian and the Barbarian Brothers. Phil also talks about how he used to prepare for a contest and how contest prep has changed among the bodybuilders today. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1979 issue of IronMan Magazine about how the legendary Serge Nubret used to train and diet for competitions.
Season 7, Episode 55 – Jorge Betancourt, Part 2

Teenage Bodybuilding phenomenon Jorge Betancourt talks about why he decided to stop competing in bodybuilding contests at a young age. Jorge also talks about his career as a businessman, including opening up a gym in Florida and starting his own supplement company Betancourt Nutrition. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the April, 1990 issue of Muscular Development Magazine about Mike Quinn.
Season 7, Episode 54 – Jorge Betancourt, Part 1

Teenage Bodybuilding sensation Jorge Betancourt is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his career as a teenage bodybuilding champion. Jorge began training at the young age of 14 and his great symmetry and shape allowed him to rise to the top of the teenage bodybuilding competitions right away. Jorge won both the Teenage USA Championships and the Teenage Nationals before he was 19 years old. Jorge also won the overall at the NPC Southern States while still a teen, a record that still stands today. Jorge talks about the excitement of competing as a teenage bodybuilder at the national level and what it meant to him to be a bodybuilding champion during those younger years in Part One of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast.
Season 7, Episode 53 – Garry Bartlett talks about Arnold and Bob Kennedy

In Part 2 of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, photographer Garry Bartlett talks about the friendship between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bob Kennedy. Garry also talks about the time when Arnold sued Bob Kennedy and MuscleMag International and how Arnold visited Bob Kennedy when he was on his death bed. At the end of the interview, Garry talks about the time when he visited Deland, Florida to film Arthur Jones at his studio along with Mike Mentzer, Boyer Coe and Ray Mentzer. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from an issue of Muscle Builder Magazine from 1978 about Arnold Schwarzenegger written for the Herald Examiner.
Season 7, Episode 52 – Garry Bartlett on the 1982 Mr. Olympia

Bodybuilding photographer Garry Bartlett is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the latest news in bodybuilding including the sale of the Mr. Olympia contest to Jake Wood. Garry also talks about the demise of bodybuilding magazines and special those magazines were to those who grew up with them, what it was like to work with Bob Kennedy for so many years for MuscleMag International Magazine. Finally, Garry gives his thoughts on the 1982 Mr. Olympia, one of the Olympia contests that is forgotten coming in the wake of the 1980 and 1981 Mr. Olympia contests. Garry gives his opinion on who should have won that contest and who got overlooked.
Season 7, Episode 51 – Roger Schwab on Women’s Bodybuilding and Mike Mentzer

Roger Schwab, the head judge of the IFBB in the late 1970’s, talks about the beginning of Women’s Bodybuilding in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s and why it was so popular with the mass media. Roger also talks about his friendship with Mike Mentzer. Roger trained with Mike right before the 1980 Mr. Olympia and he talks in detail about his training methods and his contest career. Roger finishes off the interview by talking about some of the bodybuilding legends that passed away in 2019 including Franco Columbu, Ed Corney, Jusup Wilkosz and Stacey Bentley.
Season 7, Episode 50 – Bodybuilding 1989 In Review

Bodybuilding Writer Jerry Brainum joins host John Hansen to talk about the year 1989 in Bodybuilding. Jerry and John review the 1989 NPC Nationals won by Troy Zuccolotto, the 1989 Mr. Olympia where Lee Haney won his sixth consecutive Mr. Olympia over Lee Labrada, the first ever 1989 Arnold Classic won by Rich Gaspari and the 1989 Night of the Champions won by Vince Taylor in his pro debut.
Season 7, Episode 49 – Bodybuilding 1979 In Review

Guest Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1979 in Bodybuilding. Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the major events in Bodybuilding in the year 1979 including the 1979 Mr. Olympia where Frank Zane won his third Mr. Olympia over an outstanding Mike Mentzer, the 1979 AAU Mr. America where Ray Mentzer won the overall over a large field of competitors in the best shape of his life, the 1979 IFBB Mr. Universe contest including Jusup Wilkosz beating Ray Mentzer in the heavyweight class and Samir Bannout defeating Ron Teufel in the light heavyweights and finally the 1979 NABBA Mr. Universe including Bertil Fox winning the Professional title and Ahmet Enunlu from Turkey winning the overall Amateur division.
Season 7, Episode 48 – 1969 in Bodybuilding in Review

Bodybuilding Writer Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the major events in Bodybuilding in 1969. Included in the discussion is the 1969 Mr. Olympia where Arnold and Sergio faced off for the first time, Boyer Coe winning the 1969 AAU Mr. America and the NABBA Mr. Universe contest, Arnold winning the IFBB Mr. Universe and Jon DeCola winning the IFBB Mr. America. Jerry also talks about volatile New York bodybuilding audiences, Arnold’s self confidence, Jim Haislop’s genetic potential, Flex Magazine’s centerfolds and Sergio Oliva’s dominance in bodybuilding in the 1960’s. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the April, 1970 issue of Muscle Builder/Power magazine called “From Where I Sat” about the 1969 Mr. Olympia contest written by Rick Wayne.
Season 7, Episode 47 – Russ Testo

Russ Testo revolutionized posing in the 1980’s and ’90’s with his innovative routines featuring robot moves and lip syncing to the popular songs of that era. Russ began competing in the 1970’s as a natural bodybuilder but he achieved worldwide fame thanks to his very popular posing routines. He was asked to guest pose at the Mr. Olympia in 1981 and 1986 for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer and the 1983 Mr. Olympia in Munich, Germany for Albert Busek. In his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Russ talks about his experiences posing all around the world for the last four decades and some of the iconic figures he met in the bodybuilding world. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the January, 1981 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Frank Zane – How He Trained” written by Garry Bartlett.
Season 7, Episode 46 – Valente, Bannout and Platz at Gold’s Gym

Three interviews at the legendary Gold’s Gym in Venice, California on Memorial Day weekend, 2018 are featured on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Host John Hansen interviews Rick Valente about his time training at Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s and his experience filming the Bodyshaping television show for 10 years. In the second interview, John interviews 1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout about his journey from his home country of Lebanon to Detroit, Michigan and then to the Mecca of Bodybuilding in Southern California. Samir talks about his climb to the top of the sport, including winning the Mr. Universe title in 1979 and the Mr. Olympia in 1983. Finally, John sits down with Tom Platz to talk about his career in bodybuilding. Tom shares his passion and desire to succeed in bodybuilding, his positive mental approach to improvement and his magical year training for the 1981 Mr. Olympia.
Season 7, Episode 45 – Troy Zuccolotto

Troy Zuccolotto, 1989 NPC Nationals overall winner and one of the most popular bodybuilders of the 1980’s, is interviewed for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Troy talks about how he started bodybuilding as a teenager in California, eventually winning the Teenage Mr. California. As Troy progressed in his career, winning the Mr. California in 1986, he set his sights on becoming a pro. Troy won the overall at the 1989 NPC Nationals after several years of attempting to win the title. Troy competed as a pro for the WBF organization and then competed in the IFBB before retiring from bodybuilding. Troy went on to become a very successful businessman and he talks about what it takes to succeed in the business world and why more bodybuilders are not financially successful. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1985 issue of MuscleMag International about the 1984 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7, Episode 44 – Larry Bernstein

Chicago bodybuilder Larry Bernstein talks about his years competing on the national and international level in bodybuilding. Larry won the short class at the 1983 AAU Mr. America contest and then started competing over in Europe in the WABBA World Championships and the NABBA Mr. Universe. Larry talks about how he got started in bodybuilding as a skinny teenager, competing against top bodybuilders like Jeff King, Tim Belknap and John Brown and his experience competing in Europe.
Season 7, Episode 43 – Jerry Brainum, The Most Exciting Olympia Contests, Part Two

Bodybuilding writer and former writer for Muscle & Fitness magazine Jerry Brainum talks to John Hansen about the Most Exciting Mr. Olympia Contests in the history of that contest in Part Two of his interview. Jerry talks about a variety of different topics including how bodybuilders use drugs today compared to the bodybuilders from the ’60’s and ’70’s, how Arnold and Sergio looked when they made their comebacks to the Mr. Olympia contest in 1980 and 1984, respectively, who should have won the controversial 1981 Mr. Olympia and which bodybuilders today have the best chance of winning the Mr. Olympia. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads a of couple articles from January, 1975 issue of IronMan Magazine about the 1974 Mr. International contest including the one that Arnold and Franco promoted in Los Angeles and the other Mr. International contest that was held in Tijuana, Mexico and promoted by Eddie Sylvestre and won by Sergio Oliva.
Season 7, Episode 42 – Jerry Brainum, the Most Exciting Mr. Olympia contests

Bodybuilding writer and historian Jerry Brainum talks to John Hansen about his choice for the most exciting Mr. Olympia contests of all time. This interview was taped in early September, 2019 and Jerry also gives his predictions for the Mr. Olympia that year. Jerry and John reminisce about the Mr. Olympia contests from 1966, 1977, 1990, 1988 and 1991. Jerry also gives his opinion of the drug usage being followed by today’s bodybuilders compared to the bodybuilders from the 1960’s and ’70’s.
Season 7, Episode 41 – Jeff King

1983 AAU Mr. America and NABBA Mr. Universe Jeff King talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his career in bodybuilding. Jeff is known as one of the most impressive Mr. America winners in the history of that contest with his massive leg development and extreme size and muscularity. In the interview, Jeff talks about how he started bodybuilding as a teen, eventually winning his class at the Teenage Mr. USA and Teenage Mr. America. Jeff also talks about the training routine he used to develop such incredible size and proportions, his big win at the 1983 AAU Mr. America and his overall win at the 1983 NABBA Mr. Universe. Jeff also shares why he never went over to compete in the IFBB, some of the great bodybuilders he competed with over the course of his career and his bad neck injury that he incurred in a car accident.
Season 7, Episode 40 – Jim Seitzer

Jim Seitzer, one of the top amateur bodybuilders in the 1970’s, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Jim talks about how he started bodybuilding as a teenager after injuring himself competing in gymnastics, meeting Louie Simmons after he first started training, helping out Jim Lorimer with the Mr. Olympia contest promotions, double dating with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his experiences competing on the national level against the best bodybuilders in the country. At the beginning of the podcast, host John Hansen gives his review of the 2019 Mr. Olympia contest which took place on September 13-14th in Las Vegas.
Season 7, Episode 39 – The Top 5 Most Exciting Mr. Olympia Contests

Lonnie Teper joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the Top 5 Most Exciting Mr. Olympia Contests of all time. Lonnie and John Hansen compare their lists of the most exciting Mr. Olympia contests from 1965-2018. Some of the Mr. Olympia competitions discussed include the 1988 Mr. Olympia, the 1984 Mr. Olympia, the 1977 Mr. Olympia, the 1980 Mr. Olympia and the 1998 Mr. Olympia. At the end of the interview with Lonnie, John Hansen reads an article from the January, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine called “No One Comes Close to Me” written by Rick Wayne about Franco Columbu’s win at the 1976 Mr. Olympia.
Season 7, Episode 38 – Gary Leonard

Gary Leonard, 1980 AAU Mr. America winner, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Gary talks about how he started weight training as an athlete in high school. When Gary started competing in bodybuilding, he quickly rose to the top, placing high in national level competitions within a few short years. Gary talks about how his naturally obsessive nature allowed him to be such a great bodybuilder. Gary recalls the stories about the national level bodybuilding contests he competed in, including his big victory at the 1980 Mr. America contest. Gary relates the story of his most disappointing contest at the 1980 IFBB Mr. Universe and then his decision to come back a few years later and compete as a pro bodybuilder in the IFBB. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article written by Scott Baran for MuscleMag International magazine where he talks about winning a raffle at the 1992 Arnold Classic and he won the opportunity to spend a few days with Arnold Schwarzenegger in California working out with him and visiting the movie set of “Last Action Hero”.
Shawn Ray Previews the 2019 Olympia

Bodybuilding Legend Shawn Ray previews the upcoming 2019 Mr. Olympia for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Shawn talks about why he will never make a comeback in Bodybuilding, the chances of Kai Greene winning the Olympia this year, how a Mr. Olympia winner should promote the sport each year and what the Mr. Olympia title means to the sport of Bodybuilding. Then Shawn goes over the top contenders for this year’s Mr. Olympia contest and gives his predictions on who will do good and who will end up disappointed.
Season 7, Episode 36 – Joey Fulco

1979 AAU Teenage Mr. USA winner Joey Fulco talks about the Golden Age of Bodybuilding for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Joey talks about when he started training at 16 years old, working out at the famous Mr. America’s Gym owned by Steve Michalik, winning the 1979 Teenage Mr. USA title, competing against Lee Haney at the 1979 Teenage Mr. America contest, his extensive music career and his thoughts on the current competitive scene. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the January, 1979 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Zane Wins the Olympia” written by Roger Schwab about the 1978 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7, Episode 35 – Stan Morey

Stan Morey, former AAU Bodybuilding Judge and Promoter, talks about Old School Bodybuilding in the Florida area in the 1960’s, ’70’s and ’80’s. Stan talks about how he started bodybuilding and being inspired by Carlos Rodriguez and Harry Johnson, 1959 AAU Mr. America. Stan also remembers seeing Robby Robinson for the first time back in the early 1970’s, meeting Jim Haislop and Frank Zane in Tampa, Florida, throwing Tom Platz out of his gym and what eventually drove him out of bodybuilding. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the January, 1976 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Now That You Have Bulked Up” written by frequent IronMan Magazine contributor Norman Zale.
Season 7, Episode 34 – Jon Loyd

Jon Loyd, one of the top amateur bodybuilders in the early 1980’s, talks about the bodybuilding scene in California during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding. Jon was given the chance by Ed Connors to own some Gold Gyms in the San Francisco area and he competed against some of the top amateurs during that time including Mike Christian, Bob Paris, Rory Leidelmeyer and Gary Strydom. Jon also talks about some of the famous bodybuilders he saw train in the gym including Rod Koontz, Bob Reis, Mike Mentzer, Lou Ferrigno, Bertil Fox, Albert Beckles, Robby Robinson and Rachel McLish. At the conclusion of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the April, 1977 Muscle Builder & Power Magazine called “Confessions of a Girl Who Loves Musclemen” written by Janet Charlton.
Season 7, Episode 33 – Skip Robinson

Skip Robinson was a prominent bodybuilder in the 1970’s, being featured in Joe Weider’s Muscle Builder & Power magazine and living in Venice Beach, California. Skip hung out with and trained with the Gold’s Gym crew including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Frank Zane and Ken Waller. Originally from Maine, Skip tells the story of when he started working out and what made him move out to the Mecca of Bodybuilding in Southern California. Skip talks about the legendary bodybuilders he trained with, how he was able to help Chris Aceto to be successful and his association with Arthur Jones. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article called “There’s Less to Building Triceps that Meets the Eye” from the August, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder & Power magazine written by Rick Wayne about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s triceps workouts.
Season 7, Episode 32 – Jon Aranita

Jon Aranita, one of the best amateur bodybuilders from the 1980’s, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his bodybuilding career. Jon talks about how he started competing as a teenager and his experience of being mentored by the legendary bodybuilder Rory Leidelmeyer. Jon also goes into detail about the training and diet programs that he used to compete in the biggest national level contests. Jon placed second to John Hnatyschak and Lee Labrada at the 1984 and 1985 NPC Nationals, respectively, before winning the middleweight class at the 1987 NPC USA. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an excerpt from the book Pumping Iron where author Charles Gaines talks about how bodybuilding is unique because it is both a sport and an art.
Season 7, Episode 31 – John Calascione

Former IFBB Judge John Calascione is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about how he started bodybuilding as a young man living in New York and eventually started competing. John also talks about watching the Mr. Olympia contest when it first started in 1965 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music where he got to see Larry Scott win the first two Mr. Olympia contests in 1965 and 1966 as well as when Sergio won the Olympia from 1967-1969 and Arnold’s wins in 1970, 1973 and 1974. John talks about his experience of being a judge for the IFBB starting in the 1980’s all the way up to the 2000’s and his views on the ideal bodybuilding physique. John also shares his thoughts on women’s bodybuilding when it first started and being a judge at the contest in 1983 that was the basis for the film, “Pumping Iron 2: The Women”. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1980 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine entitled “The Psychology of a Mr. Olympia Competitor” written by Mike Mentzer.
Season 7, Episode 30 – Anibal Lopez

Anibal Lopez is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Anibal was one of the top amateur bodybuilders during the 1970’s despite competing at a body weight of less than 155 pounds. Anibal talks about how he started competing in bodybuilding competitions, his friendships with top bodybuilders Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe and Sergio Oliva and his decision to compete without the use of steroids throughout his career. Anibal competed in the AAU, the NABBA organization and the WBBG where he won the Pro Mr. America and the Pro Mr. World competitions. After the interview, host John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1980 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine called “Three Dreams in a Row” written by Frank Zane in which Frank talks about the dreams that predicted his wins in the Mr. Olympia contest from 1977-1979.
Season 7, Episode 29 – Jerry Brainum, Part 2 – 1977 In Review

Bodybuilding writer Jerry Brainum continues his discussion with host John Hansen about the year 1977 in the Bodybuilding World. 1977 was the year when the mass media really gave a lot of coverage to events happening in bodybuilding. In Part Two of their interview, Jerry talks about the idea to create a union for bodybuilders that was started by Kal Szkalak, the 1977 IFBB Mr. Universe controversy where Kal Szkalak beat Mike Mentzer by only one point and Danny Padilla’s stellar year where he won the 1977 AFAB Mr. America overall and the lightweight class at the 1977 Mr. Universe in Nimes, France. Jerry also talks about the 1977 NABBA Mr. Universe where Tony Emmott surprisingly beat out the legendary Serge Nubret for the Pro title and a young Bertil Fox won his first Mr. Universe in the amateur division. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads an article from the May, 1977 Muscle Builder/Power magazine entitled “Franco: The No. 1” written by Armand Tanny. This article is an interview with Franco Columbu after he won the 1976 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7, Episode 28 – Jerry Brainum – 1977 in Review

Bodybuilding Writer Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the year 1977 in Bodybuilding with John Hansen. In Part One of the interview, Jerry and John talk about the movie “Pumping Iron”, which was released in January, 1977 and the impact it had in introducing bodybuilding to the general public. Jerry and John also talk about the release of Arnold’s first book, Education of a Bodybuilder, as well as the 1977 Mr. Olympia contest with Frank Zane and Robby Robinson and why Lou Ferrigno was not in the contest. Finally, they discuss the big 1977 AAU Mr. America contest which featured a parade that took place before the contest. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads an article from the May, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine entitled “The Smallest Trophy He Ever Won” written by Janet Charlton about when Arnold Schwarzenegger won the Golden Globe Award for Best Acting Debut – Male at the 1977 Golden Globes.
Season 7, Episode 27 – Joe Means

Joe Means, one of the top amateur bodybuilders in the 1970’s, talks about his bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Joe explains how he started lifting weights in South Carolina, slowly building up his physique and his strength and eventually competing in local bodybuilding contests. Joe talks about the training routine and diet he used to get the most out of his physique. At his peak, Joe was able to compete in ripped condition and was able to defeat bodybuilders at the national level who outweighed him by 30-40 pounds. Joe explains the diet secret he used to win the Most Muscular award at the 1976 AAU Mr. America contest over Kalman Szkalak, Dave Johns and Ron Teufel. Joe also beat out Tom Platz for the Best Legs award at that year’s Mr. America contest. At the end of the Podcast, John Hansen reads an article titled “Sergio Oliva – A Legendary Superman” written by Norman Zale for the November, 1975 issue of IronMan Magazine.
Season 7, Episode 26 – Jerry Scalesse

Jerry Scalesse, one of the top amateur bodybuilders in the 1980’s, talks about his career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Jerry talks about how bodybuilding was in the 1980’s when he was training with John DeFendis at Steve Michalik’s gym and Mike Quinn when he was still a teenager. Jerry competed at the national level in many competitions including the AAU, the NPC and NABBA and he talks about some of the great bodybuilders he competed against during his era. Jerry also talks about being coached by the legendary Bob Gruskin for the contests he competed in.
Season 7, Episode 25 – Leon Brown

Bodybuilding Icon Leon Brown is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Leon talks about how he started training at home in New York at 15 years old, competing against Frank Zane in the 1960’s, moving to California in 1969 and working out with Arnold and Franco at Gold’s Gym. Leon also talks about appearing in the classic book Pumping Iron and making the movie “Stay Hungry” in Alabama with the Gold’s Gym crew. Finally, Leon talks about competing at an older age and how he manages to maintain a bodybuilder’s physique in his 70’s.
Season 7, Episode 24 – Lonnie Teper and Peter McGough, Part Two

In Part Two of their interview on Where the Shape of Bodybuilding Going?, Peter McGough and Lonnie Teper draw on their decades of knowledge and experience in the sport of bodybuilding to discuss what type of physique will dominate bodybuilding in the future. Will symmetry and shape take more precedence than muscle mass and conditioning in the Mr. Olympia this year? Does the smaller and more aesthetic bodybuilder have a chance against the mass monsters or is the Genie out of the bottle at this point in the sport? At the end of the interview, John Hansen reads an article about bodybuilding that appeared in the October 14, 1974 issue of Sports Illustrated, one of the first articles about bodybuilding in a mainstream magazine.
Season 7, Episode 23 – Lonnie Teper and Peter McGough, Part One

“Where is the Shape of Bodybuilding Going in the Future?” This is the question posed to two veteran Bodybuilding Journalists, Peter McGough and Lonnie Teper. Based on the recent wins at the Mr. Olympia and the Arnold Classic by Shawn Rhoden and Brandon Curry respectfully, is shape and symmetry going to held in higher regard by the judges for future bodybuilding contests? Peter and Lonnie give their opinions on where bodybuilding is going and how it has changed over the last 30 years in regards to mass over symmetry, posing routines and the different divisions currently being held in today’s contests.
Season 7, Episode 22 – Ken Sprague, Gold’s Gym owner

Ken Sprague, one of the first owners of the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Ken talks about how he moved to California from Ohio at only 24 years old and how he unexpectedly became the owner of the original Gold’s Gym in the early 1970’s. Ken talks about the gym atmosphere back in the 1970’s, the filming of the movie “Pumping Iron” at Gold’s Gym in 1975 and moving Gold’s Gym from Venice, California to the Santa Monica location in 1977. Ken also talks about his experience promoting bodybuilding competitions including the 1977 AAU Mr. America contest and the 1978 Gold’s Classic. Finally, Ken talks about his memories of some of the iconic bodybuilders of the Golden Era of Bodybuilding like Ken Waller, Kal Szkalak and Robby Robinson and the time when he sued Arnold Schwarzenegger for defamation.
Season 7, Episode 21 – Glenn Knerr

1986 AAU Mr. World and Mr. America Glenn Knerr is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Glenn talks about how he got into bodybuilding as a teen, winning local titles and progressing all the way to the national stage, competing against some of the best amateur bodybuilders in the country. Glenn also shares his memories of meeting Sergio Oliva for the first time, butting heads with future Mr. America Tim Belknap and competing against legendary bodybuilders such as Shawn Ray, Vince Taylor and Nimrod King.
Season 7, Episode 20 – Doug Brignole

Doug Brignole, one of the top amateur bodybuilders in the 1980’s, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his bodybuilding career. Doug began training at Bill Pearl’s Gym in Pasadena, California at only 15 years old in an effort to gain weight on his skinny frame. Doug talks about his progress in the sport including winning the AAU Mr. California in 1982 and winning his class at the 1986 AAU Mr. America contest. Doug also talks about meeting some of the legends of bodybuilding who trained at Bill Pearl’s gym over the years. Doug concludes the interview by sharing some of his knowledge of exercise physiology and which exercises work best in developing the physique.
Season 7, Episode 19 – Marc Martinez

Marc Martinez is in the process of making a movie about the Golden Age of Bodybuilding during the late 1970’s. Marc talks about the key figures in the bodybuilding world who he has interviewed for his upcoming film including former Gold’s Gym owner Ken Sprague, Bill Grant, Ken Waller, Pete Grymkowski and Pumping Iron author Charles Gaines. Marc also talks about his experiences training at Gold’s back in the late 1970’s and the bodybuilders who he met during that pivotal point in the Golden Age of Bodybuilding.
Season 7, Episode 18 – Pat Neve

Pat Neve, one of the best amateur bodybuilders in the 1970’s, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast this week to talk about his successful career in the sport. Pat was a top contender for all the major AAU National level bodybuilding titles during the 1970’s and he won the overall at the 1974 AAU Mr. USA. Pat talks about his onstage battles with top level bodybuilders such as Robby Robinson, Dave Johns, Danny Padilla and Kalman Szkalak. Pat also talks about his friendships with two of the greatest bodybuilders of all time – Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane. At the conclusion of the podcast, John Hansen reads an article from the February, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine. The article is titled “The Compleat Man” and it was written by Rick Wayne in which he profiles Frank Zane shortly after Frank took a close second place to Franco Columbu at the 1976 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7, Episode 17 – Jerry Brainum – 1988 In Review

Bodybuilder Writer Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the major events in the Bodybuilding World in 1988. John and Jerry talk about the 1988 Mr. Olympia and why it was one of the best Mr. Olympia contests in the history of the sport. Jerry also gives his opinion of why Lee Haney was such a dominant champion in the 1980’s, why Lee Labrada should have beat Lee Haney at the 1990 Mr. Olympia, Phil Williams impressive win at the 1988 Chicago Pro Show, why diuretics are so dangerous in bodybuilding, how much drugs matter in building a winning bodybuilding physique and who would have won at their respective bests, Arnold or Lee Haney? John also reads a contest report from the May, 1974 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine about the 1973 Mr. America/Mr. World and Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 7, Episode 16 – Jerry Brainum – 1978 In Review

Bodybuilding Writer Jerry Brainum joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the big events in the Bodybuilding world in 1978.
Jerry and John talk about Frank Zane winning his second Mr. Olympia title in 1978 over Robby Robinson, what made Frank Zane such a great bodybuilder, how bodybuilders used steroids in the 1970’s and ’80’s, Kal Szkalak’s controversial fifth place at the 1978 Mr. Olympia, Tony Pearson’s surprising win over Ron Teufel at the 1978 AAU Mr. America, Mike Mentzer winning the 1978 Mr. Universe with a perfect score, the benefits of High Intensity Training and the current trend of cell phones in the gym.
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Season 7, Episode 15 – Ed Corney Tribute

On January 1st, 2019, the Bodybuilding Legend Ed Corney passed away at the age of 85. Ed competed in the 1970’s during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding. He won the IFBB Mr. America and Mr. Universe contest before beginning his professional career and establishing himself as the Master Poser, elevating the sport of bodybuilding to a new level of artistry and class with his incredible posing ability. On this special episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, we pay tribute to the life and career of Ed Corney. Host John Hansen interviews Mike Katz who reminisces about competing with Ed Corney at the 1972 IFBB Mr. Universe in Iraq and former IFBB Head Judge Roger Schwab who talks about the iconic performances of Ed Corney in the Mr. Olympia contest in the late 1970’s. Finally, John reads an article written by Ed Corney in the December, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder & Power magazine where Ed describes his passion and desire for competing in the sport of Bodybuilding.
Season 7, Episode 14 – Jerry Brainum – 1968 In Review

To celebrate the end of 2018, host John Hansen welcomes guest Jerry Brainum to go back in time and talk about what happened in the world of Bodybuilding 50 years ago in 1968. Jerry talks about meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger when he first arrived in America in 1968, how Arnold used the psychological tool called Modeling to increase his confidence and become a success, the overwhelming dominance of Sergio Oliva who won the 1968 Mr. Olympia unopposed because the competition was afraid of competing against him, Frank Zane’s surprising win over Arnold at the 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe in Miami and the top amateurs fifty years ago including 1968 AAU Mr. America Jim Haislop and 1968 NABBA Mr. Universe Dennis Tinerino.
Season 7, Episode 13 – Phil Williams, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Phil Williams talks about winning the 1985 NPC Nationals and the 1988 Chicago Pro Show. Phil shares his memories of the training and nutrition strategies he used to win the biggest national title in the country over Lee Labrada and Ron Love. Phil also talks about training at Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s, his contentious relationship with gym owner George Turner and how he was able to win the Chicago Pro Show over mass monster Gary Strydom.
Season 7, Episode 12 – Phil Williams

Phil Williams, one of the best amateur bodybuilders from the 1980’s, talks about the training and nutrition principles he used to win his first national title, the 1984 NPC USA Championships. Phil talks about how he trained to maximize his recuperation and build muscle mass to win the top amateur titles in the NPC. Phil also relates the story of competing against Lee Labrada and Gary Strydom at the NPC USA and how he was able to beat them. Phil opens up about the steroids
Season 7, Episode 11 – Manuel Perry

Manuel Perry was one of the most promising amateur bodybuilders in the 1970’s, winning the 1977 AAU Mr. USA and taking first place in the Tall Class of the AAU Mr. America in 1977 and 1978. Manuel talks about moving from his hometown of Massachusetts to California in the mid 1970’s and training at the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California, hanging out with the top bodybuilders of the Golden Era of Bodybuilding, winning his class at the Mr. America two years in a row and his decision to leave bodybuilding to be a stuntman in the film and television industry.
Season 7, Episode 10 – Franco Santoriello

Franco Santoriello had one of the best physiques in bodybuilding in the 1980’s. As a teen competitor, Franco won four national titles in two years, beating out future bodybuilding legends like Eddie Robinson and Shawn Ray. Franco went on be a force on the national bodybuilding scene while in his early 20’s, eventually winning his pro card at 24 years old at the 1989 NPC Nationals. In his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Franco talks about his addiction to drugs, going to prison for three years and watching his physique decline until he was over 300 pounds. Franco was finally able to get his life back when he was saved by Christ and he is now happily married and an ordained minister. This tale of the high and lows of his bodybuilding journey is both entertaining and inspiring.
Season 7, Episode 9 – John DeFendis

1988 NPC USA Champion John DeFendis talks about his bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about his crazy years of training with Mr. America Steve Michalik and what he learned from the Intensity or Insanity Training program. John also talks about winning the 1988 NPC USA Championships, the highlight of his bodybuilding career and his mental strategies for being your personal best.
Season 7, Episode 8 – Richard Baldwin

Bodybuilding Champion Richard Baldwin talks about his extensive bodybuilding career in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Richard shares his stories of meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny Padilla, Tom Platz, Ron Teufel, Kal Szkalak and Samir Bannout as well as chronicling his great bodybuilding career, competing at the national level against some of the greats of the Golden Era of Bodybuilding.
Season 7, Episode 7 – Chris Aceto

Nutrition Expert and Contest Prep Coach Chris Aceto is interviewed for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his early days in Bodybuilding. Chris talks about competing in bodybuilding competitions in Massachusetts under the tutelage of Bob Gruskin, meeting Jay Cutler for the first time, training with Mr. America Jeff King, working at the Bodybuilding Camps in the 1980’s and writing up diets for the top bodybuilders at Gold’s Gym in Venice, California.
Season 7, Episode 6 – Craig Monson, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Craig Monson talks about training at Muscle Beach in the 1980’s. Craig also talks about when he started competing in bodybuilding contests including traveling to Europe with John Brown to compete in the Mr. World contest. Craig also talks about meeting his idols Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva.
Season 7, Episode 5 – Craig Monson, Part One

Bodybuilder Craig Monson joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his life as a bodybuilder. In Part One of the interview, Craig talks about how he started working out at 12 years old, his time spent in San Quentin Prison and his training at Bill Pearls Gym and Gold’s Gym as well as some of the crazy weights he lifted in his peak.
Season 7, Episode 4 – Phil Williams

1985 NPC Nationals winner Phil Williams is interviewed about the Old School Days of Bodybuilding training at Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s and the legendary George Turner’s Gym in St. Louis in the late 1970’s. Phil talks about meeting Mike Mentzer when he was only a teenager and how Mentzer influenced his training, training with Ali Malla and Ray Mentzer at Gold’s Gym in the early ’80’s, his friendship with Gunnar Rosbo and some of the most impressive and hardest training bodybuilders he saw training during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding.
Season 7, Episode 3 – Rick Valente

Rick Valente joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the Old School Days of Bodybuilding at Gold’s Gym in Venice, California. Rick talks about how he got started in bodybuilding in his hometown of Connecticut and his eventual odyssey to Mecca of Bodybuilding in Southern California. Rick discusses how he got the job as the host of ESPN’s Body Shaping television show and what it was like to train at Gold’s Gym in the 1980’s and ’90’s with the likes of Mike Mentzer, Casey Viator, Robby Robinson, Tom Platz and the Barbarian Brothers.
Season 7, Episode 2 – Larry Jackson

1979 Mr. California Larry Jackson talks about the Old School Days of Bodybuilding at Gold’s Gym in Venice, California. Larry talks about when he started bodybuilding in the early 1970’s at Bill Pearl’s Gym before he migrated over to Gold’s Gym. Larry talks about some of the Bodybuilding Legends he trained with every day at Gold’s including Robby Robinson, Charles Glass, Tony Pearson, Kal Szkalak, Casey Viator, Samir Bannout and the Mentzer Brothers. Larry also mentions two of the biggest bodybuilders he ever saw training at Gold’s Gym, competing in the controversial 1978 Mr. America contest, winning the 1979 Mr. California contest and going up against Scott Wilson at the 1981 IFBB Mr. International contest.
Season 7, Episode 1 – Old School Bodybuilding

1966 AAU Mr. America Bob Gajda and his friends Al Jakich and Terry Strand get together to talk about the Golden Age of Bodybuilding in Chicago. Bob, Al and Terry talk about Rock Stonewall and his time in Chicago managing Irvin Johnson’s gym while simultaneously running a prostitution ring in the city. The guys also reminisce about the great Sergio Oliva and his legendary workouts at the Duncan YMCa, including the time he trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1969. Bob, Al and Terry also talk about Sergio’s amazing eating habits and his time on the Chicago Police Department.
Season 6 – The Larry Scott Years
Season 6 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is about the early days of the Mr. Olympia contest – the Larry Scott Years. Larry won the first two Mr. Olympia competitions in 1965 and 1966 and John talks to Roger Schwab, Dave Mostorakis and Jerry Brainum, all who were actually in attendance at those historic contests.
Season 6, Episode 7 – Vic Downs

Vic Downs joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his career in bodybuilding in the 1960’s and ’70’s. Vic started training in his 30’s but was able to build a physique that was competitive in the Mr. Universe and Mr. World contests. He talks about competing against Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chet Yorton at the 1966 NABBA Mr. Universe in London as well as his battle with Sergio Oliva, Frank Zane and Ricky Wayne at the 1967 IFBB Mr. Universe in Montreal. Vic also talks about the unique nutrition program followed by the top bodybuilders in the 1960’s.
Season 6, Episode 6 – Don Howorth

1967 IFBB Mr. America Don Howorth talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his career in Bodybuilding. Don talks about how he got started training in bodybuilding and the great improvements he made following the advice of Rheo H. Blair. Don also talks about his difficult relationships with Joe Weider and Vince Gironda as well as his big win at the 1967 IFBB Mr. America.
Season 6, Episode 5 – Dave Mastorakis, Part 2

Dave Mastorakis joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part 2 of his interview. Dave talks about competing in the 1966 IFBB Mr. America contest at only 16 years old and getting to see all the top bodybuilders competing in the Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World and the second Mr. Olympia contest. Dave shares his memories of Dave Draper, Chet Yorton, Frank Zane, Sergio Oliva and Larry Scott. Dave also talks about a new book about Mike Mentzer that is in the works and his thoughts on the 1974 Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 6, Episode 4 – Roger Schwab on the 1966 Mr. Olympia

Former IFBB Head Judge Roger Schwab talks about his memories of seeing the 1966 Mr. Olympia contest at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. Roger talks about Larry Scott’s second win at the Mr. Olympia over Harold Poole, Chuck Sipes and Sergio Oliva. Roger also talks about Chet Yorton winning the 1966 IFBB Mr. America, Dave Draper winning the 1966 IFBB Mr. Universe and Sergio’s win at the 1966 IFBB Mr. World.
Season Six, Episode Three – Jerry Brainum

Bodybuilding Writer and Nutrition Expert Jerry Brainum talks about watching the 1966 Mr. Olympia contest at the Brooklyn Academy in New York. Jerry was only 16 years old in 1966 but he remembers every detail of that historic day in bodybuilding. Some of the topics Jerry talks about include older bodybuilders who try to make a comeback, meeting a young Lou Ferrigno back in the 1960’s, Jerry’s first meeting with Sergio Oliva backstage in 1966, the incredible ovation that Larry Scott received when he came out to pose, the crazy fans mobbing Larry Scott and Joe Weider outside after the contest and the one bodybuilder who Arnold said had better arms than he did.
Season 6, Episode 2 – Dave Mastorakis

Dave Mastorakis, a top amateur bodybuilder from the 1970’s, is a guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his experience at the 1965 Mr. Olympia contest. Dave, at only 15 years old, was a competitor in the IFBB Mr. America contest that night. Dave talks about how he was able to compete in the Mr. America contest at 15 years old, his close friendship with Mike Mentzer, competing at the famous Mountain Park in Holyoke, Massachusetts and his recollections of seeing the top bodybuilders up close at the 1965 Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia contest.
Season 6, Episode 1 – Roger Schwab on the 1965 Mr. Olympia

Former IFBB Head Judge Roger Schwab talks about the 1965 Mr. Olympia contest on Episode 1 of Season 6 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Roger was in attendance at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York in September 1965 when Larry Scott won the very first Mr. Olympia contest and he recounts that historic day in this interview. Roger also talks about the close battle between Dave Draper and Chet Yorton in the IFBB Mr. America and his thoughts on seeing Frank Zane and Ricky Wayne in the Mr. World that night. Also in the discussion is the fantastic potential of a young Harold Poole and the incredible crowd reaction to Larry Scott’s posing routine.
Season 5 – NABBA Mr. Universe
Season 5 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast is about the iconic NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Beginning in 1950, the NABBA Mr. Universe contest featured some of the most legendary bodybuilders in the history of the sport including Grimek, Reeves, Park, Pearl, Schwarzenegger, Oliva, Draper, Columbu, Dickerson, Zane and Coe. John Hansen interviews some of the great bodybuilders who competed in this classic bodybuilding competition as well as the bodybuilding historians who treasure the memorable confrontations which took place on the NABBA Mr. Universe stage.
Season 5, Episode 14 – Chris Dickerson

1982 Mr. Olympia Chris Dickerson is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Chris talks about his years competing in the historic NABBA Mr. Universe contest in London. Chris won his division in that contest in 1970 and 1971 before winning the overall in 1973 and winning the professional category in 1974. Chris also talks about his association with Bodybuilding Legend Bill Pearl, his memories of competing against Franco Columbu, Frank Zane and Tom Platz and the importance of posing in a bodybuilding competition.
Season 5, Episode 13 – Wayne Gallasch – NABBA Universe 1982-1990

Wayne Gallasch joins John in the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast studio in Tampa, Florida to discuss the NABBA Mr. Universe contest from 1982-1990. Included in the discussion is the showdown between Eduardo Kawak and Kal Szkalak at the 1982 Mr. Universe (18:52), the amazing physique of Jeff King at the 1983 NABBA Mr. Universe (23:15), the incredible debut of Tim Belknap in 1984 (29:12), Charles Clairemont vs. Michael Antorino in 1986 (43:46), Lance Dreher in his life time best condition in winning the Pro division in 1986 (50:20) and how unbelievable was Victor Terra (59:23). Sponsored by Redcon1, Old School Labs and Florida Alternative Medicine.
Season 5, Episode 12 – Wayne Gallasch – NABBA Universe 1976-1981

Bodybuilding Videographer and Historian Wayne Gallasch joins John in the Podcast studio in Florida to talk about the winners of the NABBA Mr. Universe contest from 1976-1981. Wayne and John talk about the surprising wins by Japanese Bodybuilders Shigeru Shigita and Kozo Sudo in 1976 (14:32), Tony Emmott’s shocking win over the great Serge Nubret in 1977 (26:21), the exciting comeback of Casey Viator in 1978 (29:53), just how amazing Bertil Fox was during his NABBA victories (39:29), the period when the IFBB began to dominate NABBA in the 1980’s (49:53), Tony Pearson’s new, improved physique in 1980 (55:20), John Brown’s unique posing that changed the sport (58:38) and Robby Robinson’s surprising switch to NABBA from the IFBB at the 1981 NABBA Universe (1:02:09).
Season 5, Episode 11 – Peter McGough and Wayne Gallasch

Former Flex Magazine Editor-in-Chief Peter McGough and Bodybuilding Videographer Wayne Gallasch sit down together for the first time to talk about the Golden Era of Bodybuilding. Peter and Wayne talk about their respective experiences watching the NABBA Mr. Universe (16:55), why Arnold Schwarzenegger is the Greatest Bodybuilder in the World (27:55), who really won the Bill Pearl vs. Sergio Oliva battle in 1971 (38:17) and how the bodybuilding media landscape has changed due to the advent of the internet and the dissolution of the bodybuilding magazines (56:30). Peter also talks about his courageous battle with cancer over the last five years (1:17:17).
Season 5, Episode 10 – Randy Roach

Randy Roach, author of the book series Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors, talks about the history of the NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Randy discusses the significant change made by Oscar State moving from the NABBA organization to the IFBB, when the Mr. America and Mr. Universe contests began and the origin of the Sandow Statue.
Season Five, Episode Nine – Roy Duval, Part 2

In Part 2 of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, 1974 NABBA Mr. Universe Roy Duval talks about competing against Sergio Oliva, Serge Nubret and Bertil Fox in the 1970’s. Roy also talks about competing in the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest in which Arnold Schwarzenegger won his seventh Mr. Olympia title.
Season 5, Episode 8 – Roy Duval, Part One

Roy Duval, 1974 NABBA Mr. Universe winner, talks about how he got started in bodybuilding and started competing in competitions. Roy talks about competing against such legends as Albert Beckles, Frank Zane, Chris Dickerson and Boyer Coe in Part One of the interview.
Season 5, Episode 7 – Lance Dreher

1986 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe winner Lance Dreher is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Lance talks about when he began bodybuilding as a teenager and his great potential for bodybuilding. Lance also talks about winning the 1981 Mr. America and Mr. Universe in the heavyweight class, competing in the Mr. Olympia and his transition to the NABBA Mr. Universe.
Season 5, Episode 6 – John Brown

2x NABBA Mr. Universe winner John Brown talks about his bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about how he started competing in bodybuilding, his experience competing and guest posing in Europe and the mental and physical strategies he used to win bodybuilding championships and that he used on his students including Shawn Ray, Vince Taylor and Melvin Anthony.
Season 5, Episode 5 – John Terilli

Australian Pro Bodybuilder John Terilli is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about how he started training in Australia and began competing as a teenager. John also talks about winning the Best in Australia contest which was held with the 1980 Mr. Olympia in Sydney, Australia and he gives his thoughts on that historic contest as well as competing as an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder against Lee Haney, Rich Gaspari and Mike Christian.
Season 5, Episode 4 – John Citrone

Bodybuilding legend John Citrone is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about competing in the NABBA Mr. Universe in the 1960’s against Arnold Schwarzenegger, Freddy Ortiz and Albert Beckles. John also talks about his years doing Strongman acts, competing as a Masters competitor in the NABBA Mr. Universe and his training and diet strategies he used as a top bodybuilding competitor.
Season 5, Episode 3 – Boyer Coe

The legendary Boyer Coe joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his victories at the NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Boyer also talks about his early days of competing as a teenager, winning the Mr. America contest in 1969 and his memorable first NABBA Mr. Universe win in London.
Season 5, Episode 2 – Wayne Gallasch, Part Two

Bodybuilding Historian and Videographer Wayne Gallasch joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk more about the history of the NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Wayne and John talk about the winners and the details of each competition from 1971-1975. Wayne discusses Bill Pearl’s final Mr. Universe win in 1971 over Sergio Oiva, Reg Park and Frank Zane as well as victories in the Mr. Universe by Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe, Ken Waller and Frank Zane.
Season 5, Episode 1 – Wayne Gallasch, Part One

John interviews Bodybuilding Videographer and Photographer Wayne Gallasch about the history of the NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Wayne and John talk about all the winners of this classic competition from 1948 to 1970 in part one of this interview.
Season 4 – The 1990 Mr. Olympia
Host John Hansen talks about the 1990 Mr. Olympia contest in Season 4. This was the only Mr. Olympia contest that was drug-tested in the history of the event. John talks to some of the competitors including Lee Haney, Mike Quinn, Shawn Ray and Rich Gaspari as well as Dr. Robert Goldman, who conducted the drug tests.
Season 4, Episode 10 – Peter McGough, Part 2

Former editor of Flex Magazine Peter McGough is a guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for the second part of his interview. Peter gives his opinion about drug testing in bodybuilding and what the possible implications of drug testing would have had on the sport. Peter also talks about the new Classic Physique division and his memories about Joe Weider.
Season 4, Episode 9 – Dan Solomon

Dan Solomon is the special guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dan and John talk about the recent passing of Muscle and Fitness editor Shawn Perrine. Dan also talks about the making of the movie “Bigger”, the story of Joe and Ben Weider and his long career in the Bodybuilding industry including co-hosting Pro Bodybuilding Weekly, the first radio show about the sport of bodybuilding.
Season 4, Episode 8 – Peter McGough, Part 1

Legendary Bodybuilding Writer Peter McGough is a guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the 1990 Mr. Olympia. Peter talks about the sub-plots surrounding the only drug-tested Mr. Olympia contest in history. He also offers his opinion on where the competitors should have placed, the emergence of the WBF organization and how the IFBB should have instituted the drug testing procedures.
Season 4, Episode 7 – Mike Christian

Mike Christian is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Mike talks about competing at his life-time best condition at the 1990 Mr. Olympia contest, how he trained and dieted drug free, his thoughts on winning the 1984 NPC Nationals and the IFBB Mr. Universe and his placings at all the Mr. Olympia competitions that he entered.
Season 4, Episode 6 – Eddie Robinson

Eddie Robinson is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Eddie talks about his powerlifting career as a teenager and breaking the teen bench press record. He also talks about winning the 1986 NPC Jr. Nationals and the 1989 NPC USA Championships, competing in the 1990 Mr. Olympia and his thoughts on the WBF organization run by Vince McMahon.
Season 4, Episode 5 – Mike Quinn

The Mighty Mike Quinn is a guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast where he talks about how he trained for the 1990 Mr. Olympia drug-free. Mike also offers his views on the state of bodybuilding today, the results of the last Mr. Olympia contest and Mike’s professional bodybuilding career.
Season 4, Episode 4 – Rich Gaspari

Rich Gaspari is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Rich talks about the changes he had to make in his training and diet to compete in the first drug-tested Mr. Olympia in 1990. Rich also talks about what he learned from Joe Weider, moving to California at 20 years old, training with Lee Haney and his journey from winning the 1984 Mr. Universe to reaching the top of the professional bodybuilding world.
Season 4, Episode 3 – Dr. Robert Goldman

John Hansen interviews Dr. Robert Goldman on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dr. Goldman was in charge of administering the drug testing procedures at the 1990 Mr. Olympia contest. Dr. Goldman explains how the tests were conducted and how he was appointed the head of the drug testing for the IFBB.
Season 4, Episode 2 – Shawn Ray

John interviews Shawn Ray about the 1990 Mr. Olympia contest. Shawn talks about failing the drug test at the 1990 Arnold Classic and what he did to make sure he passed the drug test later that year at the 1990 Mr. Olympia contest. Shawn also talks about his teenage bodybuilding career, losing the 1986 Jr. Nationals to Eddie Robinson, what he did to win the 1987 NPC Nationals and his bumpy road as a professional bodybuilder in his first two years as a pro.
Season 4, Episode 1 – Lee Haney

In Season 4 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, 8x Mr. Olympia Lee Haney talks about winning the 1990 Mr. Olympia contest. Lee talks about the pros and cons of drug testing the competitors at the Mr. Olympia, his genetic potential, the type of training that developed his Mr. Olympia physique as well as some of his close Mr. Olympia victories.
The Olympians
John Hansen interviews the Professional Bodybuilders who reached the top of their sport and competed in the Mr. Olympia contest. Learn about how they got started in Bodybuilding, what contests they entered to make to the pros, the training and diet strategies they used to be one of the best bodybuilders in the world and the top competitors they battled in the pro ranks.
The Olympians – Ron Love

Ron Love, 1987 Pro World Bodybuilding Champion, joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his Bodybuilding Career. Ron explains how he got started in bodybuilding after being shot on the job as a Detroit police officer, competing in his first contest in Michigan, winning the 1985 NPC Jr. USA, meeting Rachel McLish, training with Samir Bannout in Michigan, winning the heavyweight class at the 1985 NPC Nationals, taking a disappointing third at the 1985 IFBB Mr. Universe, taking second place to Lee Labrada at the 1986 Night of the Champions and the rest of his extensive pro career. Ron was one of the best pro bodybuilders during his long career in the 1980’s. At the end of podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Labrada Wins the Night of the Champs” written by Bill Reynolds from the December, 1986 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine.
The Olympians – Danny Padilla, Part Two

Danny Padilla, one of the best bodybuilders from the Golden Age of Bodybuilding, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of his interview, Danny talks about some of the pivotal competitions of his career including the 1978 Mr. Olympia and the 1979 Night of the Champions. Danny also talks about the controversial 1980 and 1981 Mr. Olympia competitions before finally talking about the 1990 Night of the Champions in which he made his big comeback. At the end of the interview, Danny gives his thoughts on some of the great bodybuilders he got to know during his career. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an excerpt from the February, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder and Power magazine about the 1976 IFBB World Championships Mr. Universe report written by Jack Neary.
The Olympians – Danny Padilla, Part One

1977 IFBB Mr. America and Mr. Universe winner Danny Padilla is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his amazing career in Bodybuilding. In Part One of his interview, Danny talks about how he started training, his initial competitions with the AAU on the east coast, winning the 1975 IFBB Mr. USA contest, training at Gold’s Gym in the summer of 1975, the controversy over the 1975 Mr. Universe contest and the film “Pumping Iron”, losing to Mohammed Makkawy at the 1976 Mr. Universe contest, winning the 1977 Mr. America and Mr. Universe and how he prepared for the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article “Danny Padilla is out…to Shock the World” written by Rick Wayne for the April, 1979 issue of Muscle Builder Magazine.
The Olympians – Earl Maynard

Earl Maynard, 1964 NABBA Mr. Universe and 1965 IFBB Mr. Universe, talks about his great bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Earl was one of only three competitors (along with Larry Scott and Harold Poole) who competed in the very first Mr. Olympia contest in 1965. Earl talks about how he started lifting weights as a skinny teen in Barbados before relocating to England. Earl also explains what it was like to compete against his idol Bill Pearl in the 1961 NABBA Mr. Universe and what the atmosphere was like on that magical night in Brooklyn, New York for the first ever Mr. Olympia contest in 1965. Finally, Earl talks about his pro wrestling career and several of the movies he starred in as an actor including “The Deep” (1977).
The Olympians – Dale Ruplinger

Dale Ruplinger was the overall winner of the 1982 NPC USA Championships as well as the Middleweight Class winner of both the 1982 NPC Nationals and the IFBB World Amateur Championships. In his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Dale explains how he got into bodybuilding and his intense desire to be a champion from his first day in the gym. He explains how he trained and dieted in order to build a body that would win overall championships leading to the Mr. Universe title. Dale also talks about a seminar he attended in the 1970’s by Arnold Schwarzenegger and the impact it had on him and his bodybuilding career. Finally, Dale talks about his experience competing as a professional bodybuilder, the injury that almost ended his career and his inspiring comeback at the 1986 IFBB Night of the Champions that was one of the most emotional moments of his life.
The Olympians – Tony Pearson, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Tony talks about not being chosen to be on the American Team for the Mr. Universe after just winning the overall at the Mr. America contest. Tony also talks about his difficulties he had after winning the America including being homeless, incurring a lifetime ban from the IFBB and struggling to make a living by competing in Europe. Tony talks about winning the WABBA Mr. World and the NABBA Mr. Universe, finally being allowed to compete in the IFBB and his winning streak in the Pro Mixed Pairs division. Tony also shares his training and diet secrets for still looking great at 62 years old.
The Olympians – Tony Pearson, Part One

Mr. America and Mr. Universe Tony Pearson talks about his incredible life for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Tony’s new autobiography Driven details his abusive childhood upbringing in Memphis, Tennessee and his drive to escape his unfortunate life and make something of himself. Tony talks about relocating to St. Louis with his highly abusive great aunt who raised him from the age of three. While in St. Louis, Tony discovered the sport of bodybuilding as a high school student while training at George Turner’s gym. After competing in a couple local contests, Tony made the bold decision to move to California with only $75 in his pocket at the age of nineteen years old. He began training at the world famous Muscle Beach in Venice, California and was soon discovered by Arnold Schwarzenegger who encouraged Tony to pursue his dreams. Two years later, Tony won the Mr. America contest at the age of 21 years old. In Part One of his interview, Tony talks in detail about the difficult circumstances he was raised in and having the courage and determination to change his life and make something of himself.
The Olympians – Berry DeMey, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview, Berry DeMey talks about achieving his lifetime best condition at the 1988 Mr. Olympia. Berry goes into detail about the training and diet programs he used to peak perfectly for the Olympia that year. Berry also talks about tearing his pec muscle in 1989, failing the drug test at the 1990 Mr. Olympia and his years with the WBF organization in 1991 and 1992. Finally, Berry explains the philosophy of his training program for building muscle mass including how he structures his workouts, his rest days and the method he uses to cycle his diet to fit his intense training program.
The Olympians – Berry DeMey, Part One

Berry DeMey, one of the most popular bodybuilders from the 1980’s, talks about his career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Berry talks about starting bodybuilding as a teen while living in Holland, including his early competitions including winning the Mr. Europe contest at only 20 years old, competing in the 1983 and 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe against Bob Paris and Mike Christian and winning the 1985 World Games. Berry also talks about his experience competing in the Mr. Olympia contest from 1985-1987, how he developed his exciting posing routines and his brand new online nutrition program called DeMey88.com.
The Olympians – Albert Beckles

The legendary Albert Beckles is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Albert talks about how he started training as a young man in Barbados before moving to England in his early 20’s. Albert started competing while living in England, quickly establishing himself as one of the country’s best bodybuilders. Albert talks about his career in bodybuilding including winning the Mr. Britain, the NABBA Mr. Universe and the AAU Mr. World before finally switching over to the IFBB to compete in the Mr. Olympia and other pro bodybuilding competitions. Albert’s career spanned from the 1960’s to the 1990’s where he was winning professional contests in his mid 50’s. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the July, 1984 issue of Iron Man Magazine called “World Professional Championships” written by Garry Bartlett about the 1984 IFBB World Pro Championships won by Albert Beckles.
The Olympians – Vince Taylor, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Vince Taylor talks about winning the 1992 Arnold Classic and dominating the Grand Prix contests after the Olympia. Vince also talks about his injury before the 1992 Mr. Olympia and competing against the new breed of bodybuilders from the 1990’s including Flex Wheeler, Kevin Levrone, Paul Dillett and Nasser El Sonbaty. Finally, Vince talks about winning the Masters Mr. Olympia title five times and some of the political obstacles he faced in competing in the biggest professional contests in the world. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1978 issue of IronMan Magazine called “Preparing for my Mr. Olympia win” by Frank Zane.
The Olympians – Vince Taylor, Part One

Vince Taylor, one of the best bodybuilders from the 1980’s and ’90’s, talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his amazing bodybuilding career in Part One of the interview. Vince talks about how he got started in bodybuilding after meeting Mr. Universe John Brown in Germany, working his way up through the amateur ranks and winning the NPC Nationals in 1988. Vince also talks about tearing his bicep during a guest posing exhibition and competing against some of the best bodybuilders of his era including Phil Hill, Shawn Ray, Rich Gaspari and Lee Haney. Vince shares his memories of competing in his first Mr. Olympia contest in 1989, the drug testing year at the Olympia in 1990 and his breakthrough posing routine at the 1991 Mr. Olympia. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the MuscleMag Annual 78/79 called “Arnold Came to Dinner” written by Robert Nailon.
The Olympians – John Hnatyschak

John Hnatyschak, 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe and NPC Nationals middleweight winner, is interviewed for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. John talks about how he started training at 23 years old in New Jersey and his quick rise in the sport. In only his fifth competition, John beat the best bodybuilders in the country to win the middleweight class at the 1984 NPC Nationals followed by his impressive win at the 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe contest. John also talks about competing as a professional bodybuilder for several years, including the 1987 Mr. Olympia contest. At the end of the interview, John gives his opinion about how symmetry and shape is rewarded compared to massive size and conditioning in today’s competitions. After the interview, host John Hansen reads an article about bodybuilding from the 1972 issue of Sports Illustrated written by Charles Gaines. This was the first article about bodybuilding that was featured in a mainstream magazine and it was the impetus for the book Pumping Iron which was published two years later in 1974.
The Olympians – Robby Robinson

Bodybuilding Legend Robby Robinson is joined by his friend and training partner Rick Valente to talk about his extensive career in bodybuilding for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Robby talks about when he started bodybuilding while living in Tallahassee, Florida and his big breakthrough after winning the 1975 IFBB Mr. America title. Robby also remembers what is was like training at Gold’s Gym in Venice, California alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Ken Waller and Frank Zane, competing in his first Mr. Olympia contest in 1977, winning the first Night of the Champions contest, competing against Sergio Oliva in 1980 and making his comeback in the IFBB in the late 1980’s while in his 40’s. Finally, Robby talks about winning the first Masters Mr. Olympia title in 1994 and what his current training and diet program are like to stay in shape at 72 years old. At the conclusion of the Podcast, John Hansen reads an article titled “How to Look Your Muscular Best at Contest Time” by Arnold Schwarzenegger as told to Rick Wayne. The article was published in the November, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder/Power Magazine and it is written from Arnold’s perspective of what it takes to compete at your best to win bodybuilding competitions.
The Olympians – Boyer Coe, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Boyer Coe talks about his years competing in the Mr. Olympia contest from 1976-1984, his thoughts on Frank Zane’s Mr. Olympia reign, the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia and his argument with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the competitor’s meeting before the contest, what happened to the television footage that CBS-TV filmed at the 1980 Mr. Olympia, his boycott of the 1981 Mr. Olympia and why he competed at such a low bodyweight for the 1982 Mr. Olympia. Boyer also talks about his relationship with the eccentric Arthur Jones, the owner of Nautilus equipment, his comeback at the 1994 Masters Mr. Olympia contest and how he took steroids to compete in bodybuilding competitions.
The Olympians – Boyer Coe, Part One

Bodybuilding Legend Boyer Coe joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his incredible career in bodybuilding. In Part One of his interview, Boyer talks about how he began training for bodybuilding, competing as a teenager bodybuilder, winning the 1969 AAU Mr. America, competing in the 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe contest in London, his thoughts on Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane and Bill Pearl and his transition from competing in the NABBA competitions to the IFBB. At the end of the Podcast, John reads an article from the February, 1977 issue of Muscle Builder/Power Magazine called “The Charisma of Bodybuilding” by Jack Neary. The article details the exploits of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robby Robinson guest posing at a contest in Canada in 1976.
The Olympians – Mike Katz

Mike Katz was one of the most popular bodybuilders in the 1970’s, winning the 1970 IFBB Mr. America and the 1972 IFBB Mr. World. Mike was also featured extensively in both the book and the movie “Pumping Iron”. In his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Mike talks about how he started weight training as a teenager, his career as a professional football player with the New York Jets and his career as a bodybuilder. Mike talks about training with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the original Gold’s Gym, his famous rivalry with Ken Waller and some of his memories competing during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
The Olympians – Steve Davis

Bodybuilder Steve Davis talks about his early days of training at Vince’s Gym in the 1960’s alongside Larry Scott and Don Howorth, his experience training with Frank Zane in 1977, winning the 1977 IFBB Mr. World contest in Acapulco, Mexico, competing in the Mr. Olympia contest in 1977 and 1981 and his recollections of the bodybuilding scene in Golden Era.
The Olympians – Mike Francois

Mike Francois was one of the most successful professional bodybuilders in the 1990’s until colitis ended his career. In his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Mike talks about how he started training for football and then eventually started competing in bodybuilding. Mike talks about his rise through the top national level amateur competitions, culminating in his overall win at the 1993 NPC Nationals, and his great rookie year as a pro where he won four professional contests in a row including the 1995 Arnold Classic where he beat out Flex Wheeler. Mike also talks about the heavy training he utilized to build his powerful physique and the ordeal he went through when he was diagnosed with colitis.
The Olympians – Roger Walker

Roger Walker, the best bodybuilder from Australia in the 1970’s and ’80’s, talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his great bodybuilding career. Roger talks about how he started training when he was in the Marines, moving to Australia from England, being featured in the movie “Pumping Iron” when he placed second to Ken Waller, winning the Mr. Universe title in 1976 and competing in the Mr. Olympia contest from 1977-1982. Roger also gives his thoughts on the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest and where he thinks Arnold Schwarzenegger should have placed in that event.
The Olympians – Tom Terwilliger, Part Two

In Part Two of his interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Tom Terwilliger talks about his career competing as an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder. Tom talks about competing in the 1987 Night of the Champions against Gary Strydom and Mike Ashley, competing in his first Mr. Olympia contest in 1989, placing in the top three of the Niagara Falls Pro Invitational and then competing in the 1991 Mr. Olympia with Lee Haney and Dorian Yates. Tom also talks about what he learned from competing in bodybuilding contests and how he has applied these lessons to the rest of his life.
The Olympians – Tom Terwilliger, Part One

Bodybuilding Champion Tom Terwilliger is interviewed for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his bodybuilding career. Tom talks about how he started training as a teenager, the people he met who motivated and mentored him to make progress, his sabbatical from bodybuilding in his 20’s and his return to bodybuilding and his rise to the top, culminating in his win at the 1986 NPC Nationals in the light heavyweight class in Part One of his interview.
The Olympians – Shawn Ray, Part Two

Bodybuilding Legend Shawn Ray talks about competing in the Mr. Olympia contest at the peak of his career from 1992-2001. Shawn analyzes each one of his Mr. Olympia competitions and the competitors he faced including Dorian Yates, Kevin Levrone, Flex Wheeler, Vince Taylor, Lee Labrada and Ronnie Coleman. Shawn also talks about the current state of bodybuilding and where the sport is going in the future.
The Olympians – Shawn Ray, Part One

Bodybuilding Legend Shawn Ray talks about his extensive bodybuilding career in part one of his interview for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Shawn talks about how he started bodybuilding as a teenager under the guidance of Mr. Universe John Brown, making the cover of Flex Magazine at 19 years of age, winning the 1987 NPC Nationals at only 22 years old, competing in his first pro show at the 1988 Night of the Champions and his first few Mr. Olympia appearances in 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992.
The Olympians – Lee Labrada

Bodybuilding Legend Lee Labrada talks about his bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Lee explains why he started training for bodybuilding and his rise in the sport including winning the middleweight class at the 1985 NPC Nationals and the IFBB Mr. Universe. Lee also talks about competing as one of the best professional bodybuilders in the 1980’s and ’90’s, including taking second place to Lee Haney at the 1989 and 1990 Mr. Olympia competitions, winning the 1986 Night of the Champions, how he developed his iconic posing routines and his decision to retire from the sport of bodybuilding in 1995.
The Olympians – Chris Cormier, Part Two

Top Pro Bodybuilder Chris Cormier joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. Chris talks about his years as an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder including competing in the Mr. Olympia contest and the Arnold Classic. Chris also talks about competing against Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates and Flex Wheeler and the time he spent being trained by Dorian toward the end of his competitive career.
The Olympians – Chris Cormier, Part One

Chris “The Real Deal” Cormier is interviewed by John Hansen about his acclaimed Bodybuilding Career. Chris talks about when he started bodybuilding and competing as a teenager in the 1980’s. Chris also talks about training at Gold’s Gym in Venice, California with his partner Flex Wheeler, his gym rivalry with newcomer Mike Mattarazo in 1991, winning the NPC USA Championships in 1993 and his run-in with Mike Tyson at the Roxie nightclub in L.A. in Part One of his interview for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast.
The Olympians – Porter Cottrell

Porter Cottrell, one of the top bodybuilders of the 1990’s, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his career in Bodybuilding. Porter talks about how he started training at a young age while growing up in Kentucky, competing in his first competitions, working his way up to his win at the 1991 NPC Nationals, his great debut as a Professional Bodybuilder in 1992 and his eventual decision to walk away from the sport.
The Olympians – Mike Ashley

Mike Ashley, one of the best pro bodybuilders in the 1980’s, talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his bodybuilding career. Mike talks about how he got involved in competing in bodybuilding, his powerlifting career, his decision to compete drug free and the training and diet strategies he used to compete against the best bodybuilders in the world.
Season 3 – The 1981 Mr. Olympia
Season 3, Episode 6 – Winston Roberts

IFBB Pro Judge and former General Secretary Winston Roberts is interviewed about the 1981 Mr. Olympia. Winston also talks about how he got involved with the IFBB (0:16:03), how competitors should be judged (0:20:06), how South Africa became a member of the IFBB (0:25:01), the three categories the judges look for in a physique (0:36:36) and where he placed the top competitors at the 1981 Mr. Olympia (0:52:53).
Season 3, Episode 5 – Roy Callendar

Roy Callendar joins the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the 1981 Mr. Olympia. Roy talks about his training leading up to the show, his decision not to boycott the contest and how he feels he should have placed. Roy also talks about his friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger, being coached by the legendary Jimmy Caruso and his brief pro wrestling career.
Season 3, Episode 4 – Garry Bartlett

Photographer Garry Bartlett talks about his long career in the bodybuilding industry. Garry talks about his views on the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest, how he got involved in the sport of bodybuilding, working for Bob Kennedy and MuscleMag International magazine and the two contest events that sent chills up his spine.
Season 3, Episode 3 – Danny Padilla and Jim Rockell

John Hansen interviews the legendary bodybuilder Danny Padilla and former IFBB Judge Jim Rockell about the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest. Danny talks about his great career in bodybuilding including training at the original Gold’s Gym, his appearance in the movie “Pumping Iron”, his controversial loss at the 1979 Night of the Champions and his controversial loss in the 1981 Mr. Olympia.
Season 3, Episode 2 – John Balik

Former owner of IronMan Magazine, John Balik, talks about his extensive career in the sport of Bodybuilding. John talks about his friendship with Bob Gajda and Sergio Oliva before moving to Southern California in the 1960’s. John’s stories about working for Vince Gironda, meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger, training at the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California and working for Joe Weider as a photographer are only some of the highlights of John’s interview. John also talks about his recollections of the controversial 1981 Mr. Olympia contest in Columbus, Ohio.
Season 2, Episode 1 – Roger Schwab

Roger Schwab, head judge of the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest, talks to John Hansen about the controversial contest which took place in Columbus, Ohio. Roger and John analyze the judges score sheets to see where they placed the individual competitors and discuss the value of the points system of judging over the placement system.
John Hansen interviews Mr. Olympia winners Dorian Yates (1992-1997), Lee Haney (1984-1991) and Chris Dickerson (1982) about their careers in bodybuilding, how they began training for the sport, the competitions they entered and their Mr. Olympia wins.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 8 – Frank Zane

3x Mr. Olympia Frank Zane talks about his celebrated career in Bodybuilding with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Frank talks about when he started bodybuilding at 14 years old while living in Pennsylvania and started competing in the sport as a teenager. Frank then talks about switching from competing in the AAU to the IFBB where he won the IFBB Mr. America and Mr. Universe in 1968, the NABBA Mr. Universe in 1970 and 1972 and then started competing in the Mr. Olympia contest in 1972. Frank also explains his physical and mental strategies for preparing for a competition and how he was able to win the Mr. Olympia contest from 1977-1979.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 7 – Franco Columbu Tribute

Bodybuilding Legend and 2x Mr. Olympia winner Franco Columbu passed away on August 30th, 2019 at the age of 78. On this special episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen welcomes Jerry Brainum to the show to talk about the life of Franco Columbu. Jerry talks about meeting Franco when he arrived in the United States in 1969, seeing Franco train at the original Gold’s Gym, his great friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger and some of his iconic competitions against Arnold, Frank Zane and Chris Dickerson. At the conclusion of the podcast, John Hansen reads an excerpt from his autobiography Coming on Strong (1978).
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 6 – Samir Bannout

1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his career after winning the Olympia. Samir explains what happened in 1984 when he dropped down to sixth place one year after winning the title. He also talks about leaving the IFBB and competing in the 1985 WABBA World Championships before making his comeback at the 1988 Mr. Olympia. Finally, Samir talks about his use of HGH at the end of his career and why bodybuilders look better without the use of insulin and growth hormone. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an article from the March, 1984 issue of IronMan Magazine called “The Supermen of Mr. Olympia” written by Garry Bartlett about the 1983 Mr. Olympia contest.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 5 – Samir Bannout

1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout talks about finally reaching peak condition at the 1982 and 1983 Mr. Olympia. After years of struggling to fulfill his potential, Samir was finally able to put it all together in 1982 where he took 4th place at the Mr. Olympia that year. One year later, Samir looked even better and he won the 1983 Mr. Olympia in Munich, Germany. In this interview with the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, Samir explains how he changed his diet to nail peak condition. Samir also describes the mental attitude he had going into the 1983 Mr. Olympia where he knew he would win.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 4 – Samir Bannout

1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout talks to the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast about his bodybuilding career. In Part One of the interview, Samir explains how he started bodybuilding in his home country of Lebanon, moving to the United States in the late 1970’s, relocating to the Mecca of Bodybuilding to train at Gold’s Gym and World’s Gym, winning the 1979 IFBB Mr. Universe and competing in his first two Mr. Olympia contests in 1980 and 1981.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 3 – Chris Dickerson

John Hansen interviews 1982 Mr. Olympia Chris Dickerson about his celebrated bodybuilding career. Chris talks about training under his mentor Bill Pearl, becoming the first African-American to win the 1970 Mr. America contest, winning the NABBA Mr. Universe contest, his years competing as a professional bodybuilder in the IFBB and winning the Mr. Olympia at 43 years old in 1982.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 2 – Lee Haney

Lee Haney talks about his bodybuilding career for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Lee talks about when he started training, his years competing as a teen bodybuilder and winning the 1979 Teenage Mr. America contest. Lee also talks about his quest to win his pro card by winning the 1982 NPC Nationals and the 1982 IFBB Mr. Universe. Lee also explains his climb to the top of the professional level by winning the Mr. Olympia contest in 1984 and eventually breaking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s record by winning eight Mr. Olympia titles.
Mr. Olympia Series, Episode 1 – Dorian Yates

6x Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates talks about his career in bodybuilding for the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dorian talks about how he got started training, his first competitions in England, getting invited to the 1985 World Games and winning his pro card at the 1988 British Championships. Dorian also talks about making his pro debut at the Night of the Champions and his battles to win the Mr. Olympia contest from 1992-1997.
Host John Hansen talks to some of the key players of the iconic bodybuilding film “Pumping Iron” in Season 1 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. The guests on the the show include Pumping Iron author Charles Gaines, bodybuilders Mike Katz, Roger Callard and Bill Grant, former IFBB Judge and writer Roger Schwab and Randy Roach, author of the book Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors. Join us every Wednesday for a new episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, now available on iTunes or on www.BodybuildingLegendsShow.com.
Season 1, Episode 6 – Mike Katz

John Hansen interviews Mike Katz for Episode 6, Season 1 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Mike talks about appearing in both the book and movie “Pumping Iron”, meeting Charles Gaines and George Butler for the first time, the selection of the U.S.A Team for the 1975 Mr. Universe and his memories of training with Arnold Schwarzenegger. This episode is sponsored by Redcon1, Old School Labs, Florida Alternative Medicine and Six Pack Bags.
Season 1, Episode 5 – Charles Gaines

John Hansen interviews Charles Gaines, the author of the book Pumping Iron and the novel Stay Hungry. Charles talks about writing the book Pumping Iron, his collaboration with photographer George Butler and meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger for the first time. Charles also discusses writing the screenplay for the movie “Stay Hungry” based on his book, Arnold’s rise to stardom and the sport and art of bodybuilding. This episode is sponsored by Redcon1, Old School Labs, Florida Alternative Medicine and Six Pack Bags.
Season 1, Episode 4 – Roger Schwab

Former IFBB Head Judge Roger Schwab joins John on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about bodybuilding in the 1970’s. Roger talks about his friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger and the filming of the movie “Pumping Iron”. Roger also explains what it was like to train at Gold’s Gym in Venice, California in the 1970’s and attending the “Pumping Iron” movie premiere in New York in 1977 as well as the Bodybuilding Exhibition at the Whitney Museum of Art in 1976. Roger also talks about attending the Mr. Olympia contest throughout the 1970’s and watching Arnold, Franco and Frank Zane win their titles.
Season 1, Episode 3 – Bill Grant

1974 Mr. World Bill Grant talks about moving to the Mecca of Bodybuilding in the 1960’s, meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger for the first time, winning the Mr. World contest and being a part of both the book and the movie “Pumping Iron” in Episode 3 of Season 1 of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast.
Season 1, Episode 2 – Roger Callard

John talks to Roger Callard, one of the top bodybuilders in the 1970’s. Roger was good friends and trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California and he talks about his memories of competing in the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. Roger won the IFBB Mr. International contest in 1978 and he competed against some of the best bodybuilders in the 1970’s. Roger talks about being involved in the movie “Stay Hungry” in 1975 and stealing Mike Katz’s t-shirt in the movie “Pumping Iron”.
Season 1, Episode 1 – Randy Roach

John talks to Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors author Randy Roach about the movie “Pumping Iron”. Randy discusses the genesis of both the book and the movie “Pumping Iron”. Randy also talks about several bodybuilders who could have been included in the movie but were not and how the movie could have been different, what really happened with Serge Nubret before the 1975 Mr. Olympia and how much of an impact the movie had on the bodybuilding and fitness industry in the future. Sponsored by Redcon1, Old School Labs, Florida Alternative Medicine and Six Pack Fitness.